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Thread: Charges for rescue - NH

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  1. #16
    SplatulaSponsoredAthlete lifewithoutanet's Avatar
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    Re: Charges for rescue - NH

    Jefferson County called. They've asked how you were able to get to my house and where you parked your car when you crashed here. Always happy to have you visit, but I can't pave the roads you'll use in your travels to get to my home and as resourceful as you are, I've never known you to own a paver.
    I get what you're saying, but I'm with Nick. It's not a completely flawed system. Far from perfect, but *some* things work.
    Ultimately, I believe it's not the system that's flawed, but the people who are a part of it, on EVERY level. But perhaps I'll go into that and why I think so another time.

  2. #17

    Re: Charges for rescue - NH


    Spelling is highly overrated when high on weed. Also, my doctorate ain't in English, and I'm a 1/4 Polish too.

    Lanes: The word is pussy, the verb is to eat. Eat it more, much more, try to drown in it, it'll take some of the aggression off and make the world more fair.
    Dr. Nick

    Nitro Rigging

  3. #18
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver)
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    Re: Charges for rescue - NH

    Nick, check out Anarcho Capitalism before putting words in my mouth. Also, in your explanation of toothpics and ships, you forgot the part about what is used as money and where did it come from in your exchange. The manufacturer of toothpics are producing something of real value, and so is the ship builder, but the government and Federal Reserve bank and not producing anything of real value when they create dollars. No, they are just printing some ink on pieces of paper, and then "convincing" you to trade away your real wealth for pieces of paper and digital BS. Hey I've got an idea, here is "$1500", just cut and paste it onto your computer, and send me one of your canopies in the mail. Sweet, bro! That is how easy the government creates the dollars that they are using to take away the real wealth from people.

    Colin, I have nothing against roads or paying for roads. There is no reason to believe that roads would cease to exist in the absence of a coercive government. But even if they did, it would be worth it a million times over.

  4. #19

    Re: Charges for rescue - NH


    The Anarcho Capitalism has some good things in it but as a whole it's just an utopia.

    With such system you will see a great deal of private tyranny possibly much worse than the tyranny of our current government.

    And as usual, you seem to fail to take into account the human component. We're animals Lanes! We're just beasts deluding ourselves about the idiotic power of rationalization.

    Just because you have your issues with the current US government, it does not mean that the answer is no government whatsoever. Take a trip to Somalia to experience the products of forced anarchism. Actions speak louder than words. After all your trips, you keep coming back to the almighty US, what's up with that? Can't find McDs overseas?

    Fairness is a balance between rules and feed-back. A market with no rules is doomed to fail. Say no to rules is gay and it will get you killed fast. Of course no socio-economical rule shall ever be against nature's own rules and laws.

    Money is printed based on the trade market, if you print too much, you cause inflation. I remember when 10,000 lire would barely buy me a box of condoms.

    You are absolutely right that money has no value, that's why it's a commodity and not a trade item but it sure makes things much simpler. Your virtual dollars do not buy me anything as you are the only entity agreeing in the use of them. Now, if you payed me with virtual dollars that I could use to buy items from vendors who also agree to use Lane's dollars then it's cool, make sure the vendors are all hot bitches too. However, who's going to trade their Benjamins for a bill with your portray on it? I personally like the US dollar, it's just the right size and texture. Have you seen those gay Euros? Ugliest currency in the universe and they also feel like shit.

    If you want to change things don't talk, just do it. I cannot run as I'm an import, 1/4 Polish, and I talk funny.

    When you turn 35, run for President as Independent Anarcho Capitalist, you'll get my vote!

    Lanes for President!

    Out of here for a to sew things to get my Lanes dollars to buy drugs and whores!
    Dr. Nick

    Nitro Rigging

  5. #20
    Captain Bacongrease Para_Frog's Avatar
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    Re: Charges for rescue - NH

    This meeting of the brain trust is hereby adjourned.

    Spark up.
    - Harvey
    BASE 1232
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