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Thread: World BASE Race 2009

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  1. #16
    BLiNC Magazine Founder mknutson's Avatar
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    Re: World BASE Race 2009

    Quote Originally Posted by 434 View Post
    42 experienced jumpers confirmed arriving! USA have the biggest group so far with 17 jumpers!
    Paul, your email address here at BLiNC is wrong an keeps bouncing back. Can you update your email address please?

  2. #17
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver) 434's Avatar
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    Re: World BASE Race 2009

    The dates is

    Warm up week 6. - 12. August
    Final days 13. - 15 August
    Reserve days 16. - 17. August

    We made it on the official tourist map 2009
    Attached Images Attached Images

  3. #18
    BLiNC Magazine Founder mknutson's Avatar
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    Re: World BASE Race 2009

    Quote Originally Posted by 434 View Post
    The dates is

    Warm up week 6. - 12. August
    Final days 13. - 15 August
    Reserve days 16. - 17. August

    We made it on the official tourist map 2009

    I created an Event page for WBR. Can you edit it to add General Content about the Race itself?

    World BASE Race - BASE Jumping:: BLiNC Magazine BASEJumping Forums

  4. #19
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver) 434's Avatar
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    Updating new web site!

    We are updating our new web with a new profile. The old one with all information can still be found here.

    The World BASE Race - Welcome

  5. #20
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver) 434's Avatar
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    Re: World BASE Race 2009

    The doors to the green house is opening 1. August. Showers at Lensmannsgården, tenting at other side of the the road along the river.

    The new web site is coming slowly up, but for Athlete information we would like you to read the FAQ, Travel route, and accommodation pages for information. You will find every answer there. I you do not find it you can sen me an mail or message.

    Blinck links back to the old page

  6. #21
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver) 434's Avatar
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    Re: World BASE Race 2009

    Grand & World BASE Race bar. Bar open from Thursday trough Saturday evening, placed at the corner straight up from the train station.

    This is in the main center of Åndalsnes, next neighbour to the Rauma Rock festival. Bring your own videos to show and entertain the guests.

  7. #22

  8. #23
    A Hamsandwich Production Flying_Mike_D's Avatar
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    Re: World BASE Race 2009

    Quote Originally Posted by tizzylishninja View Post
    Didn't you ask Mic to delete your account? Didn't you also say that you were never posting here again? I searched for the posting where you wrote that but I can't find it. I think it was deleted by you.

    Can you please keep your word? I love Blinc, I'd hate to see you do over here what you did at that other BASE jumper forum.


  9. #24
    A Hamsandwich Production Flying_Mike_D's Avatar
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    Re: World BASE Race 2009

    Quote Originally Posted by tizzylishninja

    Mick I won't comment any longer as I respect you and your site. I do not feel I need to defend myself or explain myself further. I came to you as a freelance writer, not to go under the knife on this forum.

    Peace to you all, Be Well
    Ahhhh, found what I was looking for. I was slightly wrong but I really like where you say "I won't comment any longer". I was REALLY hoping that meant you were leaving this site forever, never to return unless you were going to post topless pics of your 40 something year old breasts. Mind you, I'm not really a breast man but I find it entertaining when someone that I feel (IMO) is not mentally stable uses any/all means necessary to bring attention to themselves at the same time drawing attention away from their F'ed up grey-matter. In this case showing topless photos would most likely draw the attention away from your head for a brief period of time because lets face it, 99% of us on here are men and we'll look at them and momentarily forget how bat-shit crazy you are in the head.
    Last edited by Flying_Mike_D; August 8th, 2009 at 01:25 PM. Reason: Spelling error.

  10. #25
    A Hamsandwich Production Flying_Mike_D's Avatar
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    Re: World BASE Race 2009

    Quote Originally Posted by tizzylishninja View Post
    BTW, I couldn't get past the part of the article that states "By Cynthia Lynn."

  11. #26
    A Hamsandwich Production Flying_Mike_D's Avatar
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    Re: World BASE Race 2009

    I'm sure that it is a well written article and I by no means intended to imply that I wouldn't read it. I just don't have time and I don't care to read it. I'm sure it will be part of an excellently written book someday that will reap great financial rewards for Ms. Cynthia Lynn.

    On a side note I see that it's supposed to be 94º and sunny in Chicago today. I'm sure you'll be lounging by the pool enjoying your sunshine and fame in that great city. One question though.... Does your dad have a pool in his basement?

  12. #27
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver) 434's Avatar
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    Re: World BASE Race 2009

    Quote Originally Posted by Flying_Mike_D View Post
    BTW, I couldn't get past the part of the article that states "By Cynthia Lynn."
    You had to post on two baseforums? What is wrong with people? Thought you had some better things to do?

  13. #28

    Re: World BASE Race 2009

    Wingsuit Studio has been updated with the new version of World BASE Race module.

    The new version includes Optimizer which automatically finds the fastest flying mode for given L/D.

    If you have already played with WBR module, you may have been wondering, "Well, what would be the fastest flying mode out there? what wingsuit, what kind of performance would result in absolutely fastest time?" Optimizer uses brutal force approach and tries all possible modes to find the best.

    It turns out, the higher L/D, the better the time. So to be realistic, Optimizer uses L/D you set as a maximum L/D that it will not exceed while searching for faster finish times.

    For given L/D, there exists an optimal flight mode (i.e. combination of sustained horizontal Vxs and vertical Vys speeds) that results in fastest time possible while satisfying the constraints (terrain + minimum pull altitude).

    Here are the results (with minimum pull altitude of 300ft (~90m) and zero launch speed):

    L/D Best Time (s) Vxs/Vys (mph)

    1.5 26.02 81.1/54.1
    2.0 21.43 110.9/55.5
    2.5 19.99 123.1/49.3
    2.75 19.68 121.1/44.1
    3.0 19.19 129.9/43.4

    Some obvious conclusions from the results:

    - tracking suits are out: no competition to wingsuits, several seconds behind

    - WBR *is* mostly a L/D competition. Awesome! Anti-Marl'09, anti-mattress, anti-trackingderby all the way... as it should be to begin with. Schweet L/D, baby! A good test for different makes of wingsuits (besides, of course, being a test for different pilots). Wingsuit manufacturers, here's a good show to shine on!

    - shortest finish times demand very fast (yet high L/D) flight modes. Heavier pilots with high wingloading (while maintaining L/D in 2.5-3.0 range) will have advantage over the light pilots.

    - strong launch always helps (assuming pilot is capable of doing it without compromising efficient flying and safety). 5mph (~2m/s) launch speed results in about 0.3s shorter time.

    - the fastest flight mode is that just skims the terrain about half-way to the finish line and just clears the minimum pull altitude. Note that this means "naturally" high L/D mode, not just diving down with average L/D intentionally and skimming the terrain and pulling low. Again, heavy jumpers with efficient L/D will have advantage, as after natural curve pullout they will be lower - but faster - than lighter jumpers.

    - the spread between L/D of 2.5 and 3.0 is quite small, less than a second. Therefore, not only excellent flying skills, but ability to do a strong launch precisely at the starting gun matters a lot. Pilots with running/ski/swimming competition experience will have advantage over good pilots who never jumped by starting gun.

    - moving WBR to a bigger mountain where the spread between the best pilots will be less "electronic" would be a better test of pilot's skills and wingsuit rating.

    The flight modes calculated by Optimizer are at sea level, standard temperature (15 C). Use Flight Mode Converter from Tools menu to convert it to a different altitude. Typically, at 6000ft speeds are about 10-12% higher.

    Download the updated Wingsuit Studio by clicking this icon:

    The results predicted by Wingsuit Studio are spookily realistic. Compare to WBR2008 results:

    World BASE Race - FINALE - 09.07.08

    # First Name Last Name Nationality Suit #1 #2 #3 #4 Finale
    12 Ronny Risvik Norway Vampire2 20,72 20,15 20,22 20,03 20,13
    11 Shane McConkey USA Vampire2 21,03 21,03 20,94 20,53 20,31
    19 Andreas Barkhall Norway Vampire2 23,15 20,81 21,25 20,23 20,03
    8 Tom-Erik Heimen Norway Vampire2 21,47 20,66 20,63 20,85 20,38

    It's magic... pure fucking magic!


  14. #29
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver) 434's Avatar
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    Jumpers information.

    All jumpers have to meet at the green house wednesday 12 august 09:00 if they are going for the qualification round.

    Meeting 18:00 with information who is in the finals. Safety briefing by Martin Rosen. After the meeting,

    VKB have a presentation about their new innovation regarding wingsuits and base rigs. Welcome.

  15. #30
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver) 434's Avatar
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    Re: World BASE Race 2009

    Standings after 1. round

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