You guys are funny. Nucking Futs if you ask me too. I can't wait to crew it up with Abbie and hope I don't get Air Assaulted by Harvey.
Sonic is trying to teach canopy skills that I told him about that are important to flying big fat 7 cell into a tight area while avoiding serious injury or death. You know flat vs steep turns. Rear riser inputs to correct headings. Different ways to adjust to stomping an accuracy target. Yeah he is at a DZ doing it. Much safer and a whole lot more time on a canopy that you'll get at almost any fixed object jump. Yeah you can stuff it in any old big student rig. But do you got one?
The thing here that Sonic is doing is: Getting rich off the thousands of BASERs he is selling to new jumpers hankering to take over the BASE community and fuck shit up for the entire planet.
Bridge the gap between the two sports, skydriving and BASE hucking by adding new gear and ideas. I love gear. I also love new ideas. I also love that this seems to be sooooo controversial and some people cough tree cough cough get all bunched up in a tizzy. That part cracks me up. Anything new is always attacked because it isn't the Norm. F the norm. This whole thing is about not being the norm and driving to work all day to pay for the car you need to get there and the clothes you have to wear to work in. This is about exploring new things and having the greatest life experiences possible. Well, at least that is how I see it. An opportunity to FLY. I give Sonic a big ol bear hug and a high five for taking a step and a financial risk to help bridge the skydive/ BASE link that many skiers and snowboarders have a common bond of differences of opinions. Plus they are both way cooler than the other.
The Fact is . . . skydivers and BASE jumpers have way more fun than people. I mean it. Remember how good you felt after your last jump when you were launching into new territory learning something for the first time and you stuck it or at least learned something new while pulling it off? I DO. It was two days ago Fandangling. (That is hooking up to a paramotor whlie it is flying and getting towed up to have launch.) And I'm chomping at the bit to do more cool new things all the time. So I'm high fiving the big ol fat guy who makes the coolest new and controversial gear out there. It works pretty dang good I may add. Jumped it in 9 countries so far. Now quit reading this stupid light changing device and go do something cool. I can't believe I wrote all this. Procrastinating the remodel. Whelp, back to it.