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Thread: Brento is now illegal...

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BLiNC Magazine, always served unfiltered
  1. #1

    Brento is now illegal...

    Yesterday morning local authorities of Trento (Arco - Italy) have established that base jump is illegal in all the region; not only on Monte Brento. May be it is a temporary decision, but situation will not change for at least next 6-7 months.
    We'll post more details as soon as we'll receive.

    In my opinion, if their intention was save life or money (helicopter rescue), they have took the most unusefull decision.

    Marco (Trento cliff jumpers group).

  2. #2

    RE: Brento is now illegal...

    this cannot be


  3. #3
    Staff Member
    Join Date
    Jan 1970

    RE: Brento is now illegal...

    Please read the "Attn Brento jumpers" post,
    Also, Illegal is not exactly correct, a temporary prohibitive order has been placed in order to create a commision to study the viability of permitting the sport. You can help rescind this order...

  4. #4

    RE: Brento is now illegal...

    Hey Spacy, sorry to hear about the Italian Govt. getting up tight. I hope you'll help lead the fight to keep it legal. I thought Columbus was really an Italian that sailed for Spain. The Italian's had balls and I can't believe a little BASE jump like Brento is really bothering the Government that much. Anyway, good luck over there, it seems like the powers at be want to control all of the really nice high cliff sites. Sounds like the NPS in US. Call if you come back, we'd like to see you. Rick Harrison. By the way, brother Randy is getting married at age 50 for the first time. We may jump in to the reception, but give me a call and I'll let you know when and where. Drive Fast and Take Chances,
    Rick and Joy.

  5. #5
    Staff Member
    Join Date
    Jan 1970

    RE: Brento is now illegal...

    Hi Rick and Joy, and Randy,
    Randy getting married, Brento jumps banned? I have a little joy of my own since May 6th (girl). What is this world coming to? contact me by telephone or email.

    Itīs not that base is bothering them. Itīs just that this is the bureaucratic way of dealing with things Europe...Within the Euro Union aviation laws, We are researching, " Is this temporary ban legal without a commission to study the impact of the ruling before itīs implemented...
    Should not there be study conducted on the effects of new regulations first?
    This would be similar to temporarily banning the use of seat belts in autos in order to do a study because someone used one improperly and died.
    We have a good chance on a rescindment IMHO in the near future.
    Contact me anyway and give my greetings to Joy, and sailorman Randy please.
    Please let me know what you can find out about the legality of the ruling as I think you have good connections in this arena.
    Miss you Bro(s), and Joy also...You are family to me.
    take care,
    tracy aka spacy

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