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Thread: norway base association

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  1. #1

    norway base association

    i´d like to have more in4mation about it. where can i jump in norway. i know kjerag but i wan´t to check other locations. could you tell me one or more interessting places to jump in whole norway???

    soft landings


  2. #2

    RE: norway base association

    If u come 2 Norway, be sure 2 drop by Down Under Musicbar ( New name soon, First Base !!!!) A well known hangout among BASE jumpers in Norway. Kind of a tribute 2 Thor Alex. Adr. Rosenkrantzgate 16 OSLO Norway.

  3. #3

    RE: norway base association

    Check out and speak to Stein Edvardsen......

  4. #4

    RE: norway base association

    Hi- Just checking out the message forum. Do you have any info on the "location" of this hang out? I am going to possibly be working in England for a year & I want to do some traveling.
    I had a base rig and a trip to Norway planned... long story short, I don't have it anymore and I haven't jumped in a while, but I would like to get back in the "loop".
    Blue Ones- Keri

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