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Thread: Pin Rigs at Low Altitude

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  1. #1
    imported_Tom Aiello

    Pin Rigs at Low Altitude

    I was talking with a well known BASE jumper the other day.

    He said he thought that pin closed rigs were not suitable for low objects. The reasoning was that pin rigs are designed for high airspeeds, and have more restrictive closures, so they could create off headings at low speeds (when they had more time to be spun by the sides of the container on deployment). [If I've gotten the logic wrong, I know he reads this board and will post a clarification.]

    I usually prefer my Prism to my velcro rig for low stuff, since the pin has a lower opening force than the shrivel flap (by pull test with a spring scale) in any orientation. However, now I'm starting to wonder.

    Has anyone seen any testing on this issue? Or have any personal experience or insight that might be helpful?


    --Tom Aiello

  2. #2


    Hey there!

    I don't have any test results on hand to tell you which gear is better for low-altitude jumps. But I can tell you, that I don't hesitate to jump both my rigs at any altitude. I own a Perigee and a Perigee Pro container, each with a Mojo 260.
    I even have the feeling, that a pin-rig doesn't open any slower than the Velcro-rig. The lowest object I jumped with the pin was a 270 foot dam, freefalling for 1 second with a 46" Pilot Chute.
    I also heard some discussions about this matter, but I don't feel bad jumping both rigs at any altitude.
    Have fun...


  3. #3

    Pin rig

    I also have a prism and I use that thing on everything. The lowest is a 300 footer and I felt better in the prism than the reator. The pin has worked for me!

  4. #4

    "Pin Rigs at Low Altitude"


    I have a PRISM with a FOX 245. The PRISM was my first baserigg and I have used it on objects from 500ft and up. For lower stuff I use velcro. I do not have that many jumps with it (I think it is like 25-30 or so) but when I was with a really experienced basejumper he brought one thing up that I at time had not yet realized. If doing low stuff do not attach the velcro on the bridle. If you are going headdown (Bad exit or a flip going wrong) it will NOT shrivel like a shrivel flap on a velcrorigg. And then it will take more force from your PC to get your canopy out.

    Stay safe! … but not to safe


    And please forgive my poor English! And for you that do not forgive me I’d like to see you write in Swedish

  5. #5

    PRISM Tuck Tab Option . . . NEW!

    Hi you two,

    You can now order PRISM rigs from Basic Research that have a tuck tab instead of Velcro to hold the bridle in place. With the tuck tab installed the direction of pull becomes universal.

    We can also retrofit existing PRISM rigs.


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