Russian Extreme Project guys have posted their Baffin Island photos:
Russian Extreme Project guys have posted their Baffin Island photos:
Hey Yuri
Saw a video called African Base made by Fresh Air Crew in South Africa featuring a Yuri.
R U the same Yuri ?? Awesome video, looked like a classic bunch of days, the wing suit stuff was awesome. Respect Dude !
Any idea from where I can download that South African base video ?:x
Howsit Dude
I do not think the video is avaliable to be downloaded, but the best guy to mail is 'Moose', BASE jumper, and co-owner of The Fresh Air Crew.
The video is called African Base, and like virtually all of Moose's video's, won the top award at the BAMFF Mountain film festival.
It features Yuri and a group of US-based jumpers doing a 'tour' of South Africa. Objects include a beachfront hotel in Durban, a Bridge on the Southern Cape garden route, an antennae outside Durban, and the awesome Milner Amphitheatre in the Western Cape. This is usually a 6-8 second delay, then land / pack and another short delay off the '2nd Tear'. With the Wing-suits however, the guys launch off the top level, then clear the 2nd launch and blitz down the valley for about 30 seconds.
Classic movie, a 'Must See'. will get you in touch with Moose or Brian at Fresh Air Crew.