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BLiNC Magazine, always served unfiltered
  1. #16
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver)
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Gargoyle + Wizard

    RE: troll

    I have a Troll 225, fabricated january 2002. (size by Atair). I weigh 68 kg. I jumped it 15 times with 1 jump slider up (4" delay) and 14 slider down, of which 6 were assist and 2 static line. Altitudes ranged from 59 meters (yes, the 6 assist), 85 meters (2 static-line, in order to meet the landing zone) to 120 meters.

    The slider up opening was really good and on heading.

    The slider down jumps were all on heading (with some 20-30 degrees to the left openings)
    I had only 1 opening assist which appeared to take more time (0,5 second maximum I would say). The rest was just fine, crisp and instant. I have never jumped a V-tec modified canopy so I have no personal comparison.

    Although I realise that 15 jumps might not be a significant number statistically, I have no reason to endorse the argument Tom Aiello put forward here.

  2. #17
    Morpheus Tech

    RE: Secondary Inlet Troll

    The Secondary Inlet Troll is now available and you can contact us for more information.

    We are awaiting further information regarding a retrofit for existing Trolls. We will post as soon as we know more.

    Robert and Kathy Jones
    Morpheus Technologies
    (813) 780-8961

  3. #18
    Staff Member
    Join Date
    Jan 1970

    RE: Size Measurement

    “Scaling down"
    The reason for this statement is twofold,
    a. That Atairīs canopy is very efficient aerodynamically (compared), and because of the efficiency of the airfoil, the flight envelope is significantly larger in dimension. One can fly slower in deep brakes/set brakes and faster otherwise, better glide ratio, float, sink.. ecetera, than past style BASE specific canopies the same size bottomskinwise.
    b. PIAīs standard is Span multiplied by Chord, Atairīs standard is bottomskin dimensions which they feel is a more accurate comparator of possible glideslope and velocity parameters than the chord times span alone as the bottom skin determines the profile dynamics that can be mounted on it.
    Hope this helps,
    Take care,

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