After a few (the latest being few days ago) jumps with my Fox Multi Vtec (loaded according to manufacturer's spec's, around 0.75 lb/ft²) in urban environment with subsequent landing performed downwind (yes, I know, I "should" land upwind, but in an urban environment you cannot choose all the time (=nearly never) the direction of landing only according to wind direction :7 ), and my downwind-urban-Vtec canopy landings have got the common feature of quite hard landing, i.e. quite fast both horizontally and vertically (vertically being under control with a good flare, but horizontally still remaining jolly fast...).
I was wondering...
I was wondering if in a downwind landing, in which the wind is blowing/pushing your canopy from "up/behind", the vents of Vtec could cause the canopy to slightly deflate from its "normal pressurized status", having air to be lost through the vents because of the wind blowing from your back......... :-(
Note: I am NOT a poor lander, when I can, I do upwind landings, and I land from good to perfect (...forgivememyarrogance...) performing nice tiptoes landings.
Any suggestions/comments?
Thank you so much to verybody!!!!!
Stay safe out there
Blue Skies and Soft Walls
BASE #689 :D