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  1. #16


    ...Yeah! Why don't ya give the man a break! He most likely has more energy and is in better shape than half the sorry bastards readin' and writin' on this board...Let's see if you're ass is still jumpin' when you get to be his age! I'd be willin' to bet you'll be doin' nothin' more than sittin' around feelin' sorry for yourself, thinkin' about "The Good Ol' Days"...Get A Grip!x(

  2. #17
    imported_Tom Aiello


    My apologies to anyone I offended here. I was running on less than an hour of sleep (seems I stayed up and jumped multiple objects last night).

    I do appreciate that JG is jumping at a time when most of us will have trouble getting out of bed to use the toilet.

    I have occasionally been known to jump multiple objects in relatively short time periods.

    It just seems like everyone in the BASE world likes to claim that they were the "first" to do this, that or the other. And when I read that last bit, I just started laughing to myself. Who really cares if you did this, or that, before, after, or at the same time as everyone or no one else? The only important thing is doing it for yourself, with your friends.

    I admit that my comments were in poor taste. I didn't mean to offend anyone.

    I apologize.

    --Tom Aiello

  3. #18

    Don't be sorry

    Not in poor taste Tom. If you offended anyone, phuck 'em. Take a joke, laugh a little, and have fun. You're a sincere guy, who doesn't try to incite anything other than good times, so don't let anyone harp you. DAMN! Have fun people, and jump #####. OH, by the way anyone ever jump a B and A that close a time frame???? REad about BASE in three hours.... or was it two?
    Peace out,

  4. #19

    RE: Sorry

    ....No apology necessary, Tom...I personally can appreciate your sarcasm as well as anyone, and did not take what you posted in an offensive way. I was referring to "Tom Yellow" and his comments about elevators and such. I saw no need to bash a man like Jim, when he is doin' more in his 70's than alot of people do in the prime of their life. Thanx for your concern anyway...704

  5. #20

    RE: Sorry

    ." Who really cares if you did this, or that, before, after, or at the same time as everyone or no one else? "
    That seems to contradict your partcipation with us on the IPBC.

  6. #21
    imported_Tom Aiello


    > "Who really cares if you did this, or that, before, after, or at the same time as everyone or no one else?"

    >That seems to contradict your partcipation with us on the IPBC.

    "The only important thing is doing it for yourself, WITH YOUR FRIENDS." (emphasis added)

    I don't know about you, but I've got a number of friends in the IPBC. I like jumping with them.

    However, the IPBC discussion is way off topic in this thread. If I have time I'll start a separate thread on why I like to go to IPBC events.

    --Tom Aiello

  7. #22

    RE: Don't be sorry

    but whoose counting

  8. #23

    RE: Don't be sorry

    not that we were counting

  9. #24


    Just to let you know smarty pants.Jim Guyer is 74 years old so it was a very remarkable thing for him to get 2 letters in one day. Hell I'll be glad if i'm still wallking at his age.:* x(

  10. #25


    Up yours smart ass. I was there Jim climbed to 300 feet, were I PCA'd him. If you would like to see the video I;ll send it to you.x(

  11. #26


    Chances are you WON'T be walking at his age if you keep making poor BASE decisions. I'm glad Jim wasn't killed when you PCA'd him. Please get some more experience before you start to teach/take others on jumps that you can't even handle yourself!:* What do you have now John, 15 jumps?

  12. #27


    Why don't you use your real name and stop hiding behind fake screen names. If you've got something to say puss say it like a man were atleast I know who you are.I'f it was'nt for me and Geoff jim would'nt have his number now, because all of you base god wonna be's would'nt take him.Let me see you did'nt start out with alot of jumps either you started with one jump at a time just like everyone else. And just because you might have more jumps than me dose'nt mean that you are some kind of an expert. So kiss my ass sissy.:*
    John Hayes

  13. #28


    Good on yer Jim. We did the BR course together and you impressed the ass of me then. You are an inspiration buddy. Hope to see you in Europe sometime.

  14. #29
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver) base570's Avatar
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    Jan 1970
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    I don't think we have met but I have heard/learned a lot about you and Geoff the last couple of months, not only from experienced and in-experienced BASE jumpers in the area but also from your posts and viewing some of your handy work at some sites. Taking in ALL of this info. I have come to a couple of conclutions and have followed them up with why I think this. This is not to piss you off, although I'm sure it will, it is only meant to open your eyes to the situations you are putting yourselves and others into.
    1. you have absolutely no concern for your or anyone elses safety.--- Do you really think that you are experienced enough to be giving people advice or taking them on there 1st jump from an object?
    2. you think that just because you bought a BASE rig you are BASE jumper, and you think that since you have a BASE rig you should be invited on all jumps that others are doing.---On more than one occasion I have heard about you two getting all pissed off when others go on scouting trips and have not asked you to go. Did you ever think that maybe some of these sites are a bit technical for a 10 jump wonder?? Also, did you ever think that you have to earn others respect and show them that you are a heads-up jumper capable of making good decisions, before they would be willing to take you on jumps with them?
    3. you are only concerned with getting your numbers, rather than learning.--- After one trip in particular I learned that you and Geoff decided that since the "BASE GODS" ,as you refer to us, didn't ask you to go on the trip you two took it upon yourselves to jump 3 objects(B,S,E) that you had no business even trying to jump by yourselves. Especially when you two could barely even pack for yourselves.
    4. you could care less if you burn a site... as long as you get your jump.---I'm thinking of a B where you asked for permission to jump. Did you ever think that by asking them you are alerting them to our presence?? This makes it all the more difficult for others to jump the same site. Oh, how about the time when you guys went and asked if you could look for a left-behind frap hat in the farmers field?? Stupid! Here is a thought... Don't leave things behind.
    5. you are very hostile to anyone who challenges your ability or experience.---There was an earlier post along with your last one that demonstrates this perfectly. You call people names and you try to act like a bad ass. Why? Deep down I think you realize that you have no idea what you are doing and are scared that others might find out.
    6. you do not take other more experienced jumpers advice when jumping objects and you don't know how to evaluate potential sites on your own.--- You hear other jumpers talking about sites and think that they will be a piece of cake. Hell, if others have jumped it it must be OK, right??
    ---the quarry being one. You are damn lucky no one was injured or killed on that one. I saw where you guys decided to tie off. Did you just get tired of looking for a suitable place to jump or did you actually think that that was the best place to go from? Or how about a certain "A" that you jumped recently? You guys went and jumped a side that was evaluated by a more experienced jumper and found to be an "iffy" jump. You guys decided that this would be a perfect spot to do your first freefall. Smart one! Neither of you got hurt but a third jumper crashed in hard.
    7. you think that just because you are an experienced skydiver you are automatically ready for any situationthat a BASE jump might put you in.---It's going to be a real slap in the face (literally) when you have your first 180 off a low object.

    John, you said that J.G. got his number because no-one else but you would take him. That is a bunch of crap. It just so happens that I have taken Jim on more than one occasion to make a jump but the weather just didn't cooperate and we were smart enough to walk away. There are many other jumpers in the area and throughout the U.S. that have tried to help Jim out, so don't think you are some sort of hero for being there with him.

    I can tell you this... you two are rapidly becoming loose cannons in our small community and if you want to be a part of the group, be taken to some different sites, or to LEARN how to become a safe, old BASE jumper you need to tone it down. Don't expect us to help you just because you have a rig. We don't owe you sh!t. You have to prove you are capable by listening, paying your dues, being smart, respecting sites, and respecting others. Not by whining, bitching, calling others names, burning sites, making poor decisions, etc.
    I personally don't want to show you any sites if you are going to treat them like you have treated other sites. I also don't want to be around you if you are a danger to me or yourself. Sorry, I don't want to be there when you get hurt or die.
    You are right in your statement about how everyone starts at jump #1. It's a long slow process to become an expert in this field and right now I don't think that anyone is an expert. our sport is constantly changing and evolving and if anyone thinks they cannot learn more they are only fooling themselves. I do believe that there are more experienced people out there with a lot of good input and I listen intently to them because I don't want to become a statistic. You should do the same. I don't claim to know everything but I do know more than you. Not because I'm smarter, or have been jumping longer but beacause I have seen more, experienced more, done more, asked more, and LEARNED MORE! With this being said, I know that I only have learned a fraction of what I can learn, and this is what keeps me jumping(along with the rush).
    So summing this whole thing up I would say to "LEARN AND THINK before you jump"
    Don't take this the wrong way, just take it for what it's worth and realize that this is how a lot of people see you two guys. Oh, and I'll use my real name, so you don't get your panties in a bunch.
    Stay Safe,
    Jason M.
    p.s. I'm sure not all of these statements are one hundred percent accurate because they are mostly from others and I know how things can get sensationalized, so please feel free to enlighten me with your point of view.

  15. #30


    Hey man, is it true that someone hit the guy wires on the antenna jump? Be careful when you evaluate sites. You must plan jumps from access to get away and all contigencies.

    -When you look at an object, ask yourself:am I ready for a 180 off heading opening with a line over?

    -What do I do if I have a 90 left(or right) and what are my outs for each contigency?

    -Do I have time for a 180 turn with a 180 off heading opening, or should I just get on both rear risers and try to go backwards (or at least not forwards) until i land? (and is there a place to land at the foot of this object if it is that low?)

    -Does my canopy respond better to toggle pressure or riser pressure after a 0-1 sec delay freefall? How much will it sink out? Where is the stall point?

    -Do I have time for a diving turn if my pilot chute/bridal gets snagged in the nose of my canopy?(Sounds weird, but I'll show you a picture of me off a 400' pillar with the pilot chute hung up) And where will I land if I clear it?

    -Those concerns are only a fraction of the things you should/could consider on each object and jump.
    Planning and evaluating sites (and exit points) are going to make the difference in the long run. (And maybe even the short run) Congratulations jg on making BASE. It took me 4 years of jumping to get mine. :7
    peace and love

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