thanks for your concern,the whole thing isnt as gun ho and spur of the moment as I have have made out,when I ask a question I ask it as if I know nothing on the subject,that way you get a broader response and you get to reconfirm your own knowledge.
I understand the base communities concern and I am not going to lie and say this trip will not be dangerous,and possibly someone could die because of relatavly stepping into the unknown but this expedition has been two years in planning,using nothing but the best gear and the top climbers in the world.The people involved have a heavy training schedule for the year and the end result is basically edited by the people involved(one of whom is a film maker)
Additional to this,the main people involved have taken out insurance policies so that if there is a death the film will never see the light of day and the people who have put up the big bucks will get there money back.
This isnt a sunday afternoon sitting at the pub and saying `lets do this
Dont be concerned and please dont compare me to Rooney.
Thanks for the feedback though.
Simon Golding
Ps What height is this cliff your talking about and have you used a suit off it,would like to hear any info you have.