I would like to thanks

BASE 621
BASE 811
BASE 813

Thouse guys are #2 (after women)in the food chang,you guys rock.

before the trip i had only tryed to jump A´s now i got 3 new letters

heres my jump record after the trip:
B 230ft freefalled and landing in a nice tree
A 225ft freefalled
E 270ft freefalled(i love it UK BASE #6)
O 215ft freefalled were do i find such in DK?

i walked down/home 4 times on the trip.2 times becours of wind(wrong direction)and one S nobody wanted to jump(me BASE 811 and BASE 813),while it were a 100ft,and no one of us had high experience by SL.and a cliff that were abit windy...

2000+miles(UK i guess)were driven alot of beer(and small amount of vodka)were drinked

I hope you guys enjoyed it as good as i did.I will return

Cheers my freinds
but then again....