Lots of people are concerned about how jumpers in Northern California are conducting themselves.

I’m going to say a few things here. They’re going to piss some people off.

1) I was the one who spent six terror filled, felony arrest worthy hours working out an elevator. If anyone has a right to get mad, it’s me (or maybe Yexotay, who was the only one of you with the testicular fortitude to come out and be lookout).
2) When some of my friends had trouble on that elevator, trying to run it without contacting me, I immediately forgave and forgot.
3) Every object on earth gets burnt sooner or later. It just happens. Someone makes a mistake, or someone just has bad luck.
4) Northern California has so many active jumpers--and visitors who know where things are--that there is no way the regular objects can avoid heat. Stop complaining and get used to it.
5) If we all get as pissy as seventh grade girls, all that will happen is we won’t talk, and we’ll make things worse by not cooperating.
6) The immature backbiting and sniping that normally mature people spew out on this board makes me sick.

I have jumped with most every one of you. I like most every one of you. I owe most every one of you.

Why can’t we be the same cool, accepting, and forgiving adults in cyberspace as we are in real life?

--Tom Aiello

P.S. Whoever posted that ##### about "if you were cool, you'd meet the guy with the key" was being an ass. Sharing was taught in kindergarten, not for moral reasons, but because cooperation is efficient. Having people climb a tower that you have a key to is a dumb, immature practical joke, worthy of a spoiled fourth grader. All it will do is make your precious elevator more likely to burn because more people will spend more time on the tower.

P.P.S. Sorry for the uncharacteristic on-line profanity and rage. I'm just a wee bit irritated. Please forgive me in advance--it's been a bad, bad month for all of us.