View Poll Results: Keep the list public?

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  • Yes.

    50 94.34%
  • No.

    3 5.66%
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Thread: The list.

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BLiNC Magazine, always served unfiltered
  1. #1

    The list.

    The list is kept as record of history, and should remain. I vote for keeping the list, because it is keeping memories of our BASE friends. There is a section of the list that has non-BASE related deaths, just as a record of all the past participants of the sport.
    Can you ask your friends not to come to your funeral? And just not remember you by putting you on a list.

    The list shows the bond that us BASE'rs share.


  2. #2

    Re: The list.

    In my eyes the list as many benefits. It is educational on how people have died. It is a memory to people. It is a way to show prospective new jumpers that deaths are not just numbers but are actual people - people that we know. Unlike the 100's of skydivers that have died and have been forgotten except by those close to them, this list remembers each and everyone and allows their memory to be carried on to future generations. It is very personal for each fatality and I for one beleive that it should be kept that way. To get rid of it is an insult to the fallen.

    As soldiers are remembered by name for deaths in battles on the many many many monuments around the UK and the world, so should we remember by name the brothers that have fallen in our battle against gravity, a battle we will never win, but just hope for a stalemate each and everytime.

  3. #3
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver) Frog's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    BR Vertex 2 / Reactor 3

    Re: The list.

    I voted to keep the List public.
    The List has a great educational value.
    We all should learn from others mistakes to improve the safety of our sport...
    And, as Mac pointed, the List is a way to remember our brothers.
    Thanks Nick for your work!
    Mucho BASE!
    V. #1075

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