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Thread: Petronas 2002

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  1. #1

    Petronas 2002

    Everyone is having a great time so far. Lots of good jumps, no injuries yet (knock on wood). Winds have been mostly cooperative. The world's tallest building is. . . really tall and beautiful! Malaysian folks are really friendly and make us feel as guests in their country.

    Best moment so far. After landing, a young Malaysian boy runs up to me, shakes my hand, and says "thank you, sir!" I reply that it is my thanks I offer for being hosted in his beautiful country. He beams, laughs, and runs off with a "C-ya!" I do believe BASE has scarred that young man for life.

    Americans sure have a bad reputation relating to this event. We're working hard to convince folks that not every American is a greedy, self-important, control-freak, prick. Alas, we have a deep hole out of which we must dig ourselves in that regard. Thanks, XXS. . . you sure do know how to make enemies, all over the world.

    Anyway, props to everyone behind the scenes that brought this event together. Lots of fun people, and lots of talented jumpers to watch and learn from.

    Peace and happy holidays,


  2. #2

    RE: Petronas 2002

    Nice to hear you're having a good time.

    Page 14 of the LA Times there is a lovely picture of a certain large man named Matt. He appears in good health, he just looks a little hung up. Is he ok?;

    The semi-colon messes up the link Copy and paste the whole thing in to the browser.

  3. #3

    RE: Petronas 2002

    Matt is well and continues jumping. He just wanted to check and see if that railing could hold a real man's weight!



  4. #4

    RE: Petronas 2002

    Good! Thanks for the info. Apparently the railing is very strong ;-)

  5. #5

    RE: Petronas 2002

    Fantastic! There are some Swedes down there as well, Good luck guy's.

    Is that Mince Division Matt? If it is ... dude, you are going hard! I guess (as I'm a little soft) that will count as "taking it to the streets!"

    Happy New Year to all of you out there!

    Member Team Bautasten

  6. #6
    imported_Tom Aiello

    RE: Petronas 2002

    >There are some Swedes down there as well...

    We are not so sure. They have not yet sung anything from the Lion King, and I am beginning to suspect they may actually be Norwegians in disguise.

    >Is that Mince Division Matt?

    Of course. And he has proven that he is way harder than that building. He has a piece of the building as a souvenir, to prove it.

    --Tom Aiello

  7. #7

    RE: Petronas 2002

    What's your turnaround time between jumps? How long does it take you to go up the stairs. I know you don't take the elevator since you're a "purist" and all, and getting to altitude is more important than the jump itself. Oh, by the way, how are YOU going to change their impression that Americans aren't "self-important"? I hope they don't read the board, if so, you're screwed. Can't wait for the next 30 posts about your trip...

    Joe C.
    BASE 729

  8. #8

    RE: Petronas 2002

    Well, since I'm a fat American I am not even using the elevators. It's all helicopters to exit point for me, baby!

    Enjoy your bitterness; we're all too busy having fun. Five hundred jumps so far, and not a single chopper ride involved. Who would have thought it could be done?



  9. #9

    RE: Petronas 2002

    Joe's not bitter.....he's just happy he got to jump that cliff that's at the top of your list. :*


    Jason Bell (BASE428)
    Web: or

  10. #10

    Scratch one off

    Well, Jason, the world's tallest building was up there on that list as well. Since I've got 15 off it so far, I'm feeling pretty ok right now :D

    Peace and happy new year from Malaysia.


  11. #11

    photos from Petronas

    Link to photos published in a norwegian magazine:

    Best new wishes for 2003 to Robert P and Karin S.


  12. #12

    RE: Petronas 2002

    >>Anyway, props to everyone behind the scenes that brought this
    >>event together. Lots of fun people, and lots of talented jumpers
    >>to watch and learn from.

    I am jealous Dog. I am GREEN with envy. I wish I could be there. Could you please tell me more about your "heroic triumphs" so that I may BASE jump vicariously through you.
    I don't even jump, yet I feel the joy of jumping by reading your postings about how fun it is to jump. Maybe I should just start posting like I jump. Really, who would know the difference? I could post that I took some unknown FJC, and have some "standard" BASE rig, and I could tell jump stories too. How would anyone know that I don't jump? Maybe I could fake some photos also? Or just claim to be in them. After all, I can say anything I want, and until it is proven FALSE, it is real, right?
    Is that the way you do things out west?
    Or do you follow the Aussie method, and just have a "newbie" try it first?
    Talented jumpers to learn from? But I thought you knew everything there is to know? Anyone taking a 38" PC off Petronas yet?


  13. #13

    RE: Petronas 2002

    Hey tommy Z instead of giving D dog s hit why dont you put your head in a toilet full of smelly gastro s hi t and flush your smell ass down with it

    PS what the you know about any Aussie method knob .............

    pps i hope mick leaves this on here so you see it ..................
    bsBD feral
    :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-(

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