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Thread: Mick Knutson Appreciation Day

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  1. #1

    Mick Knutson Appreciation Day

    I hereby declare today (whatever day you read this post) to be Mick Knutson Appreciation Day.

    Mick puts in insane amounts of time, money and energy to make this web site successful.

    We all benefit from his huge amounts of work. This web site is an invaluable resource for learning about gear, meeting other jumpers, and finding out about sites. It is also highly entertaining as a place to boast of your achievements, roast your friends, or read tirades by the various colorful characters of our community.

    In appreciation of Mick's (often unrewarded) effort on our behalf, I encourage everyone to do one (or more) of the following things:

    1) Post to this thread expressing your appreciation.

    2) Send Mick an email ( telling him personally how much you appreciate his work.

    3) Order something from the BLiNC store.

    4) Order something from one of the advertisers on BLiNC, and let them know (when you order) that you appreciate their supporting this resource for the community.

    5) Thank Mick in person when you see him in Idaho this weekend.

    Thanks Mick!

    --Tom Aiello

  2. #2

    RE: Mick Knutson Appreciation Day

    You are right on with this post Tom, Mick does us all a great service. So thank you Mick, I think I'll take the holiday off (Mick Appreciation Day) and sleep late, pack, and jump something to celebrate. Here's to ya Mick!

  3. #3

    Mick Knutson Appreciation Day, the 24th of May (for me anyway)

    When I started base jumping I knew one guy that basejumped. The only problem being my reluctance in making the 24 hour drive to where he lives to learn!
    Then I happened on the baseboard. It's just like Tom said "an invaluable resource for learning about gear, meeting other jumpers, and finding out about sites"!
    I could hardly believe my luck when I found out about this place...
    I read a lot and then continued reading some more. Reading about it does not make you an expert, I know, BUT it's the best thing if you cannot learn from others (IMHO).
    This place has made it possible for me to link up with people in various countries, attend BD (which turned out to be fun indeed!) and learn at least part of the trade without learning it the hard way.

    I will not be able to thank Mick in person as I live in Europe, but please convey my thanks to him for making part of the base community easily accesible throughout the world (again IMHO)!

    Thanks Mick!


  4. #4

    Mick Knutson Appreciation Day

    Thankya Mick...Thankyaverrmuch. Tom's right; we take Mick's endless effort for granted. I sure wouldn't go to that much trouble for a sport, would any of you?

  5. #5

    RE: Mick Knutson Appreciation Day

    Good on ya Tom! This sight is one of the best things that has happend to BASE sisnce the shrivel flap. Thanx Mick for giving us the oppertunity to communicate with eachother on a daliy basis. Jeff

  6. #6
    BASE Forum Guru bps's Avatar
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    RE: Mick Knutson Appreciation Day

    I couldn't agree more.

    My appreciation for Mick runs even deeper than my huge thanks for this site and all it has done...

    Mick was the person that brought me into this sport. Granted, he reaped the rewards of having me on dozens of ground crew missions, but he also paid that back and much more by teaching me how to BASE jump, which is a tremendous responsibility for those of you who have never done it.

    And besides all of that, he is a very good friend of mine.

    Thanks Mick!!!!!!!!!

    PS - Mick and Michelle are in Idaho right it could be a few days before they read this...

  7. #7

    RE: Mick Knutson Appreciation Day

    I wanted to thank everyone for the e-mails and postings here.
    I honestly get great satisfaction seeing true gratitude from users of this site. I really like knowing that I can help the community get most every bit of information they need from one location. Because I know how frustrating it is trying to search the internet for something as simple as a weather report; or trying to find other people. That has always been the hardest.

    Thanks again, and I will continue to make BLiNC Magazine more complete and functional.

    So please, always give me feedback and suggestions!

    Thank You

    Mick Knutson :D
    [|BLiNC Magazine]

    "Everything you ever wanted to know about BASE Jumping, but didn't know who to ask."
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  8. #8
    BLiNC Magazine Founder mknutson's Avatar
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    Re: Mick Knutson Appreciation Day

    I missed it again! May 23rd!!!

  9. #9
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver)
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    Dec 2008

    Re: Mick Knutson Appreciation Day


  10. #10

    Re: Mick Knutson Appreciation Day

    I proclaimed my deep appreciation for Mick earlier this month when I let everyone know that he turned 40. Heh...heh..

  11. #11
    BLiNC Magazine Founder mknutson's Avatar
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    Re: Mick Knutson Appreciation Day

    Quote Originally Posted by base428 View Post
    I proclaimed my deep appreciation for Mick earlier this month when I let everyone know that he turned 40. Heh...heh..

  12. #12

    Re: Mick Knutson Appreciation Day

    Quote Originally Posted by base428 View Post
    I proclaimed my deep appreciation for Mick earlier this month when I let everyone know that he turned 40. Heh...heh..
    Yes, Happy Birthday, Mick.
    Jim Guyer

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