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Mick Knutson's BLiNC BLoG

American cars in the future...

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So I am watching CNBC about an interview with the CEO of GM. They talk about "It is not easy to restructure a company that has been around for 100 years, in just 10 years".... Are you F***ing kidding me? Seriously!

I have been in the IT industry for 19 years and have restructured at least 5 times in that term.

Look at Trump, Virgin Airlines, Bank of America.

I am so fed-up with million dollar CEO's talking shit about how "I can change, I can change!"... Wait a minute, That is the Saddam Hussein 'i can change' theme proposing to FUCK Satan.....

Now I am hearing in the series, that the "Camero" is white night for GM that will single handedly is going to save GM.

Did I just hear a hipocritical blunder of total studidity abou the world we had today?

I feel like saddened that I live in a country that supports complete glutany to empower companies like Enron, GM, Chevy, IndyMac... I will stop, as this BloG does not need to be that drawn out.

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