• Red Bull Human Flight 3D Trailer - In 3D!

    No Glasses Needed! Virtually strap on a parachute and a wingsuit and fly along as the best precision skydiving and B.A.S.E. jumping team in the world are invited to raise the dangerous stakes and enter a wingsuit proximity flying competition (a sport that has already killed several colleagues and friends). An immediate uproar of protests from a member of their team and some of their families has them question their own sanity about pushing the limits and chasing their dreams.Get the vibe, take flight, feel the rush! Immerse yourself in the innovative 3D action and the emotion of this extreme aerial sport to experience human flight! http://RedBullAirForce.com to view in 3D simply choose an option in the 3D drop bar. For cross-eyed, cross your eyes until you see three images, focus in on the center one until it is clear. It is awesome once you get it! If you can't get the hang of it or you don't have glasses, just click on left (or right) eye only in the 3D options to view regular. Also "Real D" glasses don't work.
    by MetaCafe Wingsuit Videos
    This article was originally published in forum thread: Red Bull Human Flight 3D Trailer - In 3D! started by blinc View original post
    Comments 2 Comments
    1. mknutson's Avatar
      mknutson -
      So this is what they where working on...
    1. cevvir's Avatar
      cevvir -
      when can I see full version ?? It's only trailer ...
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