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Thread: To slidergate or not to slidergate that is the question

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  1. #1
    BLiNC Magazine Suporter
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    Sep 2004
    Perigee Pro

    To slidergate or not to slidergate that is the question

    So vertigo has slidergates standard and consolidated rigging doesnt, what are the pro and cons...etc. What do you do? THANKS!

  2. #2
    Tom Aiello

    Re: To slidergate or not to slidergate that is the question

    I'd prefer using some kind of slider up tail line control method that is not the "vertigo" method (i.e. a bite of lines stowed to the trailing edge of the slider). I know that old CR sliders came with the same setup as the Vertigo sliders, and that CR discontinued that practice. I believe they did so after concerns about heading and trim were brought to light.

    I think a better alternative would be to either (a) use masking tape, or (b) permanently sew a tailgate to the trailing edge of the slider and use that. Either of these methods avoids distorting the lines and trim of the canopy, but they both reef the tail (more than the slider) and encourage nose first inflation.

  3. #3
    BLiNC Magazine Suporter
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    Sep 2004
    Perigee Pro

    Smile Re: To slidergate or not to slidergate that is the question

    Thanks for the info Tom!

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