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Thread: Freeflying head down from base jumping cliffs in Norway

  1. #1

    Freeflying head down from base jumping cliffs in Norway

    • After the skydiving season we did a two week base trip around Norway. We started off doing some tracking jumps off Gridset, but got bored of just tracking and pulling low. So we decided to do a two piont (head down star - Vice versa) from Karlskråtind. The jump went well and Petter actually also tracked the whole thing out. Then we did a two way free exit that we flew into a grip and carved into two full circles from Katthammaren. By now we were pretty confident and we put in one more person and did a three way head down flower into a round from Togveggen. We started calling this activity freebasing. It was an interresting two weeks for sure :-) All the footage is filmed by my GoPro, which I love :-)
    • ---

  2. #2

    Freeflying head down from base jumping cliffs in Norway

    Hey, nice footage! Whats the name of that song in the vid?

  3. #3

    Freeflying head down from base jumping cliffs in Norway

    Hey, nice footage! Whats the name of that song in the vid?

  4. #4

    Freeflying head down from base jumping cliffs in Norway

    hey, a late reply i know, but if your still interested the song in called "delirium" by ladyhawk.
    P.S loved the footage. some quality tracking

  5. #5
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver) M8tricks's Avatar
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    Aug 2009

    Freeflying head down from base jumping cliffs in Norway


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