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Thread: Any updates on all the BASE events from the last weekend (Sept 26-28)?

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BLiNC Magazine, always served unfiltered
  1. #1
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver)
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Perigee II

    Any updates on all the BASE events from the last weekend (Sept 26-28)?

    I made 6 jumps from two wind turbines at the UK Pro Base event. Definitely a good time! Thanks to the UK Pro BASE Team for putting together a great event and to Ecotricity for letting us jump from their turbines!

    How did the other events last weekend go? Royal Gorge Go Fast Games and the Chinese event? Does anyone have updates, videos, pics?

  2. #2
    Splatulitus Maximus hamsandwich's Avatar
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    Re: Any updates on all the BASE events from the last weekend (Sept 26-28)?

    I made it to Go Fast for the last day after spending sometime in moab. I had a blast. Made two jumps (missed the tram, again!) and then a bungee jump. There were ZERO injuries, even though laird found the closest thing to a tree he could hug . The bungee guys did a great job as well as jet pack dude and the slack liners and climbers.

    Oh and tree got to break in his new container for the fall fashion season. Post a pic, tree!

    I'm sure bazil will have pictures up on his site soon but he's definately swamped right now.

    Abbie Mashaal, BLiNC Team Member

    I would take it seriously; but it's serious and ridiculous at the same time. -sl

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