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Thread: line twists anyone

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  1. #1

    line twists anyone

    i want to get opinions on what other jumpers do in the case of line twists.

    how easy is to turn your canopy in line twists without reaching above the twist(s)? some jumpers use their front risers to turn their canopy away from the object when there is a twist. others use rear risers. once the heading is fixed, start untwisting.

    any experience with this???

  2. #2

    Line Twists in BASE

    Sorry 460, this doesn't really address your questions, but I have also wondered about line twists on BASE jumps.

    The Sunday prior to the Tombstone Challenge, several folks jumped the "Gash" after deciding against the "Sweet Spot" due to strong winds. Of course, the winds were just the same at the "Gash," (blowing from right to left at the exit) but the LZ is closer.

    Anyway, one jumper had one and a quarter line twists (to the left) which seemed unusual to me on this particular jump. Gusty winds may explain some of the off-heading openings around here, but a gust rotating a canopy 450 degrees to the left during deployment seems a bit much. Any other possible explanations for this? Maybe this particular jumper could offer some ideas? Bruce Kramer knew him and saw the jump too. Bruce, any input?

    I have seen several other line twist incidents, mostly at Bridge Day though and mainly due to the deployment bags getting kicked. It seems to me that line twists would be extremely rare when not using deployment bags.

    Matt Moore

  3. #3

    RE: Line Twists in BASE

    Another thought.

    I've seen multiple cases of line twists developing when a jumper dumped directly from a track off a terminal or nearly terminal object. It seemed like the relative headwind from the track spun the pack job on the way to line stretch.

    Is it possible that a real headwind could do the same thing on a very subterminal object?

    --Tom Aiello

  4. #4

    RE: Line Twists in BASE

    Dumping in a track can cause some problems. Deep brakes (as opposed to the shallow setting) seem to minimize the effect, from what I've experienced.

    I've had line twists before where the canopy opened hard to one side then turned to the other, resulting in an on heading opening. However, my body followed the evolution of the canopy and caused me to spin, thus resulting in an induced line twist. Never had any problems slider down though.

    But whatever the cause, what are some opinions on dealing with it? Reaching above the twist may work, provided it's not too dark to see (maybe shorter risers would be advantageous). How about turning the canopy with a riser even with the line twist?

    Sometimes the canopy will op

  5. #5

    RE: Line Twists in BASE

    ##### can and will happen often with no reason. About 6 years ago will Jumpin a B with John V., I did a running exit and 2-3 sec delay opening with a lot of forward momentum and a 45 L. Immediately I was spinning with 2 full line twists. I have always attributed this to using a shallow brake setting and tying my slider down instead of removing it. Firstly, my body had a lot of forward momentum and inertia kept me traveling in the line of body flight while my canopy surged left. Secondly, with slider tied down, my risors were drawn in more to a point thus spinning me under a pendulum. Luckily, I had time to simply kick out before corrective action was needed.

  6. #6

    RE: Line Twists in BASE

    Yo !

    I dump in a track on almost every slider-up jump and so far did not notice any heading or other problems associated with my forward speed or body position. Even a wingsuit does not seem to affect the heading perfomance of a freepacked BASE canopy (it does affect my skydiving openings, though).

    Regarding line twists, they are more likely on a slider-up jump. For me, slider-up means i'm nowhere near the object and will either have enough time to kick out of the twists or land before i hit anything.

    I believe that body-momentum induced slider-down twists can happen quite easily (ref: early NRGBD tapes ;). Given an object nearby, it is a serious problem for which i don't have a good solution and would like to hear any ideas as well.



  7. #7

    RE: line twists anyone

    hi 460

    last year i witnessed dwain western jump movasion
    dam with his board after doing some aerobatics he got a 90 left and multiple
    line twists. He climbed up the lines to steer
    away from the object then he kicked out the line
    twists climbing up the lines is faster then it sounds and turned the canopy very quick after
    seeing that i will climb climb i tell ya

    see ya 460

    bsbd feral

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