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Thread: Form letters to gain access

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BLiNC Magazine, always served unfiltered
  1. #1

    Form letters to gain access

    I saw a form letter to send to my congressmen and representatives. However, it was bridge day and I saw many things that later were not there. Does anyone have a copy they can e-mail me. I'm going to walk the walk and do my part to get access to OUR PARKS!

    Keep in mind that form letters are good, but a hand written letter is much more likely to be read than a form letter, and at the very least a freshly printed letter on personal stationary. If congressional aides (the people who actually read these letters) see the same form letter, they just start a file and list how many they recieved. Bottom line: It's a little more work to write them by hand or even print your own, but it will accomplish much more.

    "To the extreme I rock the mike like a vandal
    light up the stage and wax a chump like a candle"

  2. #2

    form letters

    Tree -

    I ended up with all the blank forms. i'm gonna try to publish them here on the board so they can be downloaded, copies & sent. if you'd like, i can send you some copies - need your address.

    I'm at

    peace, love & blue skies....brenda

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