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Thread: Jumping South Africa?

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  1. #1

    Jumping South Africa?

    Has anyone here been to South Africa, it looks pretty cheap, and with all the game parks and cute little animals to poach(elephant tastes like chciken) could be alot of fun.... Any stuuf bout that end of the world would be appreciated


  2. #2

    RE: Jumping South Africa?

    Many folks who have been there consider "SA" to be one of the premier BASE destinations in the world. Cliffs from 200 - 1800 feet, many (if not most) legal. A number of tasty bridges in spectacular locations. Accessible Bs, and no real need to jump antennas since there are so many spectacular, overhanging, gorgeous cliffs around.

    The topper is that the locals are fun, experienced, and really welcoming of out-of-country jumpers who take the time to learn about the local scene and respect local procedures.

    I've only spent two weeks in Cape Town, and didn't do that much jumping while there - but I'll be back, for sure, to jump many sites I didn't have time to hit. Especially the cliffs, oh man the cliffs.

    Plus, I found the country of South Africa to be fascinating. A mix of Dutch, English, and traditional African cultures. I felt that the terrible legacy of apartheid was slowly but surely falling away, and it was good to see integrated crowds in many restaurants, stores, and hotels - more integrated than in many southern U.S. cities, in fact. There is still grinding poverty (mostly for the black majority), and the economy is still fragile and heavily tied to Zimbabwae's fortunes which, at present, is quite scary.

    Cape Town is just a super town, very friendly and open-minded (it has a reputation as being the 'gay mecca' of southern Africa, for example). And great music, at least to my tastes.

    And at current exchange rates everything there is cheap, cheap, cheap for non-residents. Do your local friends a favor and bring down a few vented pilot chutes for them - importing gear is super expensive for them, and I know they'd appreciate having access to gear improvements from offshore.

    That's my (more than) $0.02. In summary: paradise, at least for this old dog.



  3. #3

    RE: Jumping South Africa?

    Howsit guys

    Not sure if any of the SA Base crew check the postings regularly, but anyone needing info on Cape Town, or needing to get in touch with any of the locals can mail me direct, I live and work in CapeTown, will be glad to put you in touch.



  4. #4

    RE: Jumping South Africa?

    Apologies, screwed up my e-mail,

  5. #5

    RE: Jumping South Africa?

    If you're interested in coming out to SA, post a message back on the board or you can contact me at
    Best time of year is late in our summer

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