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Thread: recommend helmet?

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  1. #1

    RE: recommend helmet?

    Neil check out bonehead composites they have 2 full face helmets and Total control in WA Australia are a dealer hey send me a SMS you are still comin to Oz as we are doin 3 new cliffs on Sat and sun

    Dam Seppos they still make the best gear well BR is half Kiwi

    bsbd feralInject saline in your contact's

  2. #2

    RE: recommend helmet?

    I just got a cool full-face Kiwi helmet from Anne. Not sure where she got it, but it's a goodie. It's got vents by the ears for better hearing, and a nice motorcycle style buckle that is easy to snap on and off. It's gotta be the best because it's a Kiwi...

    Good Luck

  3. #3
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver) crwper's Avatar
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    RE: recommend helmet?

    After watching another jumper hit the ground really hard recently, I'm a bit wary of the lack of padding typical in skydiving helmets. Anyone know how well the Bonehead helmets would protect you from a real impact (i.e. with rock or solid ground, rather than just a rough skydive)?

    I'd love to see someone like Protec turn out an inexpensive full-face with a good snug fit. One of the things that's put me off MTB full-face helmets is that there's a tremendous amount of "slop" from side to side or up and down in the chin, so I'm not at all convinced the helmet would stay in place on impact.


  4. #4

    recommend helmet?

    Can anyone recommend a good full face helmet that doesn't have the bulk and weight of a BMX helmet? My Factory Diver seems a little lite weight after seeing a friends crack after a 4-way jump with a head collision.


  5. #5
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver) crwper's Avatar
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    RE: recommend helmet?

    Hey all! I just saw some shots of the inside of the Boomerang. It looks like about the same padding as a Factory Diver to me. I know the Protec isn't exactly bullet-proof armour, but the inch of foam with a flexible plastic shell just seems better to me than a half-inch pillow with a rigid shell. But, maybe this is just voodoo?

    I'd love to hear from anyone who has experienced a serious impact with a skydiving full-face. Did it hold up?


  6. #6
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver)
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    RE: recommend helmet?

    Protec does make a full face. It's just like their classic helmet, except the plastic continues around the face like a MX helmet. I think it might actually be a BMX helmet. My brother and friend both jump it and are satisfied with its lightness and lack of bulk, but fortunately neither of them has any hard impact data to provide. I think it goes for about sixty bones, new.

  7. #7
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver) crwper's Avatar
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    RE: recommend helmet?

    I just noticed that today, myself. I currently a helmet which I think is their "Classic Skate" helmet. It's got a fairly stiff foam lining the inside, maybe 3/4 inch thick, and then a thin soft layer inside that. The helmet fits nice and snug on my head, so I've never had any concern about it shifting on impact.

    Most of the MTB helmets I've tried on are basically a bicycle helmet with a full-face attachment. They are made of a very hard styrofoam-like substance, and they fit fairly loose like a bike helmet. On all the helmets I've tried, I have easily been able to grab the chin and pull it up around my nose, or bang it side-to-side.

    Protec's "Ace" BMX helmet looks like just the thing to me. Can you confirm that it has the same kind of foam padding as my current Protec? I think I'm going to call around and see if anyone in town is carrying these helmets. Thanks!


  8. #8

    RE: recommend helmet?

    Ok the bonehead with a hard hit

    Anyone that was in Norway in 2000 will remember this K ask anne about this one she was there at the time

    A american girl did a short delay 3 sec's with a sail slider at smellvaggen she had a slow 180 she hit the wall she bouncded off it dill a 360 turn and hit the wall again and did another 360 turn and hit the wall again

    I saw it as I was waiting to get off smellvagen as well 2 of my mates jumped next one landed in the landing area and the other landed on the talis near the girl Pete W said that her bonehead had big gouges in it as her head impacted 3 times and also when she landed all of the people there at that time though that her helmet saved her

    But luck ran out for that girl ( i cant remember her name ) she was in that plane that crashed in Salt lake and killed all the skydivers 2 other base jumpers where on board .

    bsbd feral

    Inject saline in your contact's

    Bonehead , a bonehead, none, none a gath and a protec

  9. #9

    Something to think about.

    Back of neck protection:

    I had a cliff strick wearing an Oxygen A3. I hit the cliff going backwards. The inpact was an 3cm below the hard shell on the padding, back center of my neck. I was KO'ed Just think about how far your helmet comes down the back of your neck.

  10. #10
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver)
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    RE: recommend helmet?

    Yeah, dude, I've got the same pro tec as you and when I looked at my brother's full face it had the same kind of sturdy foam lining. I tried a few on and sizing was a little different than on mine, though. I'd say best bet is try one on. I'd obviously also reccomend taking off the visor. I don't think you're a moron, I just don't wanna give halfased beta.

  11. #11

    RE: recommend helmet?

    I recently saw a Z-1 fall 4,000 feet onto a cement runway and it only suffered a scratch. Granted it was the helmet by itself. Not on a jumper.


  12. #12

    RE: recommend helmet?

    Actually, that probably does more to indicate a problem than to show that the helmet is suitable. There's an excellent reason why vehicles are designed to crumple, moreso the more high-performance the vehicle. I was ecstatic to see my Protec split up the back after my impact recently -- all that energy, gone into breaking a $60 helmet. Good deal.

  13. #13
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver) crwper's Avatar
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    RE: recommend helmet?

    My main concern is that the helmet wouldn't offer much of a buffer between me and the rock. Although this definitely improves my view on the durability of skydiving full-face helmets, as you say it's a bit different from an impact with the head inside. Thanks!


  14. #14

    RE: recommend helmet?

    I use a Shoei Z-Two, it's a bit bulky and heavy but if you get a firm fit it won't move around on the longer delays, and it's pretty much the best head protection you can buy. The downside is a sore neck.}(

  15. #15
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver)
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    RE: recommend helmet?

    That's a moto helmet, right? How bad is the wiplash from such a massive dome? Is it do-able fer slider off openings?

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