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Thread: Motocross Helmet

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  1. #1

    Motocross Helmet

    I was looking into getting a new helmet to replace my bonehead full face and I was thinking about getting a motocross helmet. I feel that the bonehead helmet won't do much other than to prevent scratches, but a motocross helmet is designed to take much larger impacts. At first glance the visor that the helmet comes with would have to got b/c it would be a nasty snag point, but other than that what are possible down sides to using a helmet like this? Is anyone using one out there?

    Be Safe

  2. #2
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver) crwper's Avatar
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    RE: Motocross Helmet

    587 used such a helmet when we were jumping off a rather low span. Impact on this jump was fairly hard, and I believe his neck hurt for a few days afterward because his body stopped but the helmet didn't. You might experience similar problems in freefall jumps because of the weight of the helmet.


  3. #3

    RE: Motocross Helmet

    I can think of a few down sides to a mx helmet.
    Weight- I have a Bell which is fairly light it terms of mx helmets, but is still much heavier than other options. Yes the protection it offers the head is far above any thing I have seen in the way of a skydiving oriented helmet, But I am not sure my neck would care for it on a slider down opening past a second or two delay.
    I am not sure this would be a huge deal in the BASE enviroment, but MX helmets are a very common cause for broken clavicles. I feel that a majority of the broken clavicles in MX (a very common injury)can be attributed to the helmet. I believe Jeff Ward(AMA Champion several times) refused to wear a full face helmet when he was racing for this reason.
    The biggest reason I can see against this design is vision. They greatly limit your vision when trying to look below you. Below and behind is very poor vision. This is rather important to me.
    I made a demo a couple of years ago into a stadium style MX race at a local fair. I had organized it with the race promoter so that I could jump in right before I raced. I had made pratice and then caught a ride back to the DZ to jump in right before my first heat where my bike was waiting for me. I probably should have gave more thought into jumping in with full gear. I was jumping a small high performance canopy and was to swoop a lane towards the announcer ending up right by the podium in front of the bleachers. Had I done a practice jump with my gear on(which I should have), I am quite certain that I would have left the helmet at the track. While I now do a 270 approach at that time I was flying straight(dowmwind base) over my target and performing a 90 - 270 aproach to end up swooping back to target. I was severly limited by the range of motion of my head when trying to look back for my sight picture. I really had left myself with little outs on this jump and I would have gave anything for a moment to get rid of that helmet. It all turned out fine, I got a nice applause and was signing kids jerseys after my race, but looking back I sure was stacking the chips against me.
    Of cource my Mojo 260 is a much different senerio than that canopy, but.... it is any less important to be able to look over your shoulder for a potential landing site? How about a cliff strike? Who knows what is going to happen on your next jump.
    No- I will leave my MX helmet in the truck
    Just something to think about.

  4. #4
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver)
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    RE: Motocross Helmet

    If you are interested in selling the bonehead, I'm interested in buying it, assuming it fits.

  5. #5

    RE: Motocross Helmet

    I'm of the opinion that if it doesn't restrict your field of vision to drastically, and it's not in the way of your opening sequence or get in the way of you flying/landing your canopy correctly, Then getting a helmet that is DOT or SNELL rated will always be a good choice. If I go Full face I'll be looking into d/h/ mtn bike helmets.

  6. #6

    Re: Motocross Helmet

    You could also consider a Mtn Biking helmet... if you are set on the better protection over weight / limited vision.

    The mtn. biking helmet will be lighter than the MX helmet, have slightly better vision, and probably be cheaper.

    I use a Bell "Mad Max", with the visor removed.

  7. #7

    Re: Motocross Helmet

    FYI....1 option....pretty light weight.

  8. #8
    Splatulitus Maximus hamsandwich's Avatar
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    Re: Motocross Helmet

    Paragliding helmets have pretty much the same requirements as base. Charly makes a full face one called Magic that is 100% kevlar, another that is glass/kevlar hybird.


  9. #9

    Re: Motocross Helmet

    has anyone checked out ski / snow board / ski jump helmets?

    From what I have found on the net some look pretty good, and I guess with the possible impact from ski accidents and rocks, they are better than standard skydive helmets?

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