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Thread: ace canopy

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  1. #1

    ace canopy

    recently someone asked about the ACE CANOPY. there wasn't much feedback because not to many people had one. well i got mine last week and made 46 jumps in 5 days off of a really nice bridge.35 jumps were with my ACE and 11 with my MOJO. here is my humble opinion of the ACE CANOPY.take in to consideration that i only have 246 base jumps, so
    i'm not a expert on canopy flight but i do know what i like. I made 11 slider down and the rest slider up. to me, the ACE is the most awsome canopy i've ever jumped. it took a few jumps to figure out that you dont flare it as high as a MOJO and once i got that straight, i was really reminded me of a slow moving SABRE. i hate to use that compairison but it is exteamly responsive with a small amount of toggle input. a couple of times i overshot the landing area because it glides a little farther than my MOJO but you get used to it really fast. i only went down on my knee 2 times with it out of 35 straight jumps, and if you knew me,thats a miracle. i usually thump in on all my jumps. a couple of times i rode it in at half brakes and still stood up. the openings were great, slider up or down. nothing against my MOJO because i love it but i truely believe that the ACE is far superior to the MOJO. i know this sounds like a paid advertisment but its not. to sum it up best, i would have to quote my friend MIKE. "if they can make a canopy that this old fat man can stand up into the wind or down wind, they have achieved the impossible" well i'm here to say that the ACE CANOPY can do it.
    just a footnote, my ACE is a 260 with the composite top skin. i weigh 180lbs. the pack volume is the same as my MOJO 260. hope someone can use this info.
    c-ya at the bottom

  2. #2

    Thanks for the info

    I have a 310 Blackjack (vented Ace) on order and can't wait to jump it. Your positive review helps to offset the expense of that canopy with all the options, which has officially topped $2k without the custom logo added on. Ouch.

    Worse ouch, however, has been jumping a 245 unvented Fox with an exit weight for yours truly of almost exactly. . . 245. Yes, 1:1 wing loading on a BASE canopy is possible but frankly not much fun. I've gotten away with it this summer, but Murphy caught up over last weekend. The equation was:

    156 foot PCA + off heading opening + fumbled right toggle + downwind landing + pitch black landing area + 1:1 wing loading + unvented canopy = ankle broken in 5 places and ligament damage.


    Fortunately, I heal quickly and I am not casting the ankle as the pieces are stable and I am a 100% believer in maintaining mobility through moderate usage for most any injury. That, plus accupuncture and lots of nutritional support, got me through a broken leg last year (horse kicked me - long story) in less than two weeks. The price paid is some pain in recovery, but the return is better healing and much faster turnaround time.

    Anyway, I can't wait to get that big Blackjack over my head so I can do those fancy, stand-up landings like other intelligent human beings. While I pride myself on effective PLFs, I am tired of using that particular skill on EVERY jump :-/



  3. #3

    RE: Thanks for the info

    d-dog - how much for the fox? How many jumps on it?

  4. #4

    RE: ace canopy

    please add you opinion to the review section!!!!

    [font color=#9999FF]
    Thank You
    Mick Knutson :D
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  5. #5

    RE: Ankleburger

    Hey d-dog,

    I had what sounds like a similar ankle injury a year ago (broken fib - 2 helical fractures stable break caused by hyperextension past tippy toes on landing).

    I took my cast off after 2 weeks and my leg is fine now but I'd recommend immobilising the joint for at least 2 weeks to allow the ligament and tendons to recover a little. I was walking again without a limp after 6 or 8 weeks but I wouldn't consider it 100% for around 9 months. Running is probably the worst thing for it. I used eliptical machines to keep fit - stellar results. Mobility without impact.

    Get well soon man. Let me know how the blackjack handles. That's my next major purchase if it goes like it sounds it should.


  6. #6

    RE: ace canopy

    It was the most remarkable thing I ever saw him do,... next to his trolling capabilties at the top of the bridge.

  7. #7

    RE: ace canopy

    You forgot the almighty...



  8. #8


    A comment and then some questions...

    I think it is important to learn how to land a canopy before you make a BASE jump. Skydive your canopy before you take it off an object, regardless of which type of canopy you use (wish I had done this before I broke my heel). Pay attention to the winds before you jump, and if the winds aren't conducive to safe canopy flight, then don't jump! Do not "chomp at the bit" as a BASE jumper. Think clearly (if you can) before you make the jump, this will greatly decrease your injuries...

    Now to the questions. How does a valve type canopy system (the Blackjack) perform with respect to off heading openings? Do we really know yet, or are we putting our faith into the theory that it is a good idea to trap the air in the cells as much as possible during inflation and also during landing? Do we have enough statistics to safely jump this canopy off objects?

    In what way is it a good idea to have to set up for landing further away from the intended target? Personally, I like to be able to sink my canopy into tight landing areas. It doesn't appeal to me to have a canopy that won't spill the air when I put on the brakes because I have to set up 10, 20, or 30 meters behind where I would normally set up for landing. Seems like a skydiving style canopy not a BASE canopy if you ask me.

    Why does the Blackjack cost so much? Is it true that this canopy mod costs 500.00 additional dollars? If so, why? The "simple" mesh design of the V-tec (which has been proven to make a world of difference through literally thousands of jumps) only costs an additional 200.00 dollars. Why does it cost 500.00 dollars to put a flap over the mesh of a vtec? This is essentially the only difference in the design. Or is it not?

    Questions to be answered through extensive field testing (many jumps done by other people) before I put myself under a new design...

    PS - Mick, do people really read the gear survey section of the BASE board?

  9. #9

    RE: Questions

    >PS - Mick, do people really read the
    >gear survey section of the BASE board?

    People do. I've had people email me privately to ask questions about reviews I posted in the gear review section.

    --Tom Aiello

  10. #10

    Embracing Change

    "Why does it cost 500.00 dollars to put a flap over the mesh of a vtec?"

    With only a dozen or so Base Jumps and a few 10 minute skydives under this canopy I am in no way able to profess an experienced opinion....yet (this will change very soon)...

    I can say thou that this canopy has some very unique flying characteristics that I believe will enable me/ did enable me to jump/sink/land under some adverse conditions,
    The V-tech and Black Jack are comparable in that they both use vented surfaces however the similarities stop there. Read: tis so much more than just a piece of material sewn over a mesh inlet, this is a new wing.

    Bottom Line:
    Both systems are a bonus for all BASE jumpers, and that's a win win situation no matter how we look at it.

    cheers Nik

    sad and lonely in Portland

  11. #11

    RE: ace canopy

    justin and mike,
    don't forget the best two quotes of the week from Natasha (yelling from the boat) "That was great Tony" and my favorite, "Oh Tony, your'e soo funny"
    I guess when you got it, you got it.
    c-ya on the bottom

  12. #12

    RE: ace canopy

    14 year old girls are not that hard to impress, you dirty old man. I guess she thought it was "KILLER MAN, KILLER"

  13. #13

    RE: Embracing Change

    Come down to Oz Nik - we'll have you for a while.

    p.s. Lets test this Blackjack thing out in Australian landing areas!!!!!! Not on a paddock where you are "allowed" to overshoot.

    Great to see changes in the sport and people thinking about them instead of just religiously (sheepishly) following trends. Keep up the good work Adam, Todd, Annie, and fellow jumpers...

    Fumbling for toggles. . . . Just my opinion but . . . if not 100% sure, shouldn't we be going for risers for our deployment heading control????? Seems like more and more people are getting into trouble going for toggles!!!

    I recommend a CRW seminar for all BASE jumpers. It adds another dimension to your skill set.

    Love your work.

    Stay Safe
    Have Fun
    Good Luck

  14. #14

    RE: Ankleburger

    Sorry to hear about your injury. On the upside, my experience is that breaks (even nasty ones) heal up over time. Soft tissue disasters just nag and nag and never really regain full strength.

    I've broken more than my fair share of bones in my life, but I have a hard time recalling most breaks beyond "oh, yeah, I broke my leg being kicked by a horse" or whatever. In contrast, my soft tissue issues (elbow tendonitis, torn ligaments in fingers, shredded left shoulder, rebuilt left knee. . . isn't rock climbing fun!) never really get back to 100% no matter how much rehab I've done. 80%, maybe 90%. . . and then they backslide down to 75%. . . 70%. . .

    My ankle has done well without a cast. I was gimpy and pathetic the first few days. Swelling went down with lots of accupuncture and herbs. Now, plenty of stretching and ice/heat routines. It feels ok enough that I've entertained going out and jumping tonight. Got a bad vibe for whatever reason, so I am trusting my gut and staying home. I listen to that sh1t :-/

    I'll be sure to post a review when my Blackjack arrives. In the meantime, I loaded up my new 265 which at least won't be Black Death for me (thanks Avery and Cliff!).

    Be welll,



  15. #15

    RE: Embracing Change

    Portland, OR? I'd like to meet with you if so.

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