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Thread: lake powell

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  1. #1

    lake powell

    I am a DZ jumper with less than ten base jumps and I am going to lake powell in early September. My base rig in has a 282 f-111, which I thick is good for my size, 200#. Anyway, I will by on boat for a week looking for some rock climbing and also some places to base jump from. If anyone has some direction to point me in I would very much like it. Can be reached at

  2. #2

    RE: lake powell

    Without knowing you and knowing a little about your ability I'll have to generalize and say that 10 jumps is on the low side to attempt a cliff, even over water. It varies from jumper to jumper so don't take offense. Like I said, it's rule of thumb and therefore has exceptions. I therefore point you in the direction of Idaho for two reasons:

    1) It's safer
    2) You just informed the NPS of when you're gonna be there and you might get busted. You may even run into other jumpers who got busted as a coincidence of your post. That may hurt even more.

    Naming sites is generally bad etiquette.
    Naming illegal sites and telling everyone when you're gonna be there is just dumb. I know it's a big area but it's popular too and this is peak season

    Sorry to flame bro' but this is a sensitive year for BASE everywhere.

    Stay safe, stay outta sight & enjoy your vacation.


  3. #3

    RE: lake powell

    I hope you know that you just informed the NPS of when and where to look for you . Stealth is everything in this sport . It is not legal to jump at Powell and everyone that gets busted makes us look worse as a group . You need to find a mentor to teach you about base jumping before you get yourself and others busted . 90 skydives and 10 base jumps says you do not have enough experience to jump at Powell

  4. #4

    RE: lake powell

    Kudos to that,

    Hey everyone in NORCAL, maybe you should read this post.

  5. #5

    RE: lake powell

    <<Hey everyone in NORCAL, maybe you should read this post.>>

    I'm from Norcal... did I miss something?

  6. #6

    RE: lake powell

    In the 1980s (when no one was very experienced) we jumped mostly round parachutes at Lake Powell. As an aside and a sign of those times jumping rounds, even over land was very common. If you think about it, the only reason to jump a square parachute on any BASE jump is because you need the forward speed and maneuverability to make it to a safe landing area. If the landing area is directly below, has little or no obstructions, there's no wind, or especially if it’s over water, then rounds are the way to go.

    However, also in those days, you could go to the DZ and test jump your round without all the newly experinced of today looking at you like you were from Mars.

    I'll guess you don't have any previous round jumps and while they are very simple to pack and operate you'll still need help and advice. BR sells a very nice little water jumping system called the H20, and they will also educate you in its use, check it out at

    As for specific sites in Lake Powell to jump, well, once you get there and look around a bit you'll realize you could spend a year there and never jump the same place twice. When Major Wesley Powell first came down the Colorado River and saw this area he called it, "a vertical desert."

    If they ever remove the Glen Canyon Dam (or Earth First! ever blows it up) the draining water would reveal hundreds (maybe thousands) of walls better than a 1000-feet tall.

    As for the NPS. I don't feel getting busted there makes us all look bad (although having an accident there does) as one poster said. I think it makes us look like people who believe we should be allowed to jump there.

    "Think . . . more drought, more wall!"

    BASE 194


  7. #7

    RE: lake powell

    BR makes good quality equipment but in my opinion CRs round setup is better.

    Here's why: round is not a knock-off copy of a phantom. Adam designed it for Base. Openings are more predictable than a H2o. And CR makes the trickest container I have ever seen. I saw a dude jumping one at Perrine over Memorial day and it looked bad ass. About the size of a small phone book!

    I've jumped both and I know for sure which one I'm going to order.

  8. #8

    RE: lake powell

    Sounds like a bunch of hippy, tree hugging crap to me!

  9. #9

    RE: lake powell

    << Stealth is everything in this sport >>

    Something people forget up north....or maybe nobody taught them the golden rule.

  10. #10

    RE: lake powell

    we don't need no stinkin rules.
    }> :-)

  11. #11

    RE: lake powell

    Relax every one. He is just a new guy with desire. I just talked to him and he and I are going to go over a few things to help him in his quest

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