I just wanted to start this tread to give everyone tips-n-tricks on how to make the BLiNC Forum work better for them. Each tip should have its own posting (1 post per tip). This way it is easy to understand each tip.
I just wanted to start this tread to give everyone tips-n-tricks on how to make the BLiNC Forum work better for them. Each tip should have its own posting (1 post per tip). This way it is easy to understand each tip.
Mick Knutson
BLiNC Magazine
BASE Jumping Mobile Forum App: (iPhone)(Android)(Web-Mobile)
(Mobile Lite)
Alternatives Native Forum Apps: (iPhone / iPad / iTouch)(Tapatalk)(ForumRunner)
BASE Jumping Newsletter
BASE Fatality List
Say you want to see the threads displayed like dz.com, here is how you can change your default display:
NOTE: Hybrid mode uses more JavaScript, and might display the forum a biut slower depending upon your computer and internet connection. But, This is the one I use and I love it.
- You must be logged in first.
- Click http://www.blincmagazine.com/forum/p...do=editoptions
- Scroll down to the 3rd section called "Thread Display Options"
- For the item called "Thread Display Mode", select "Linear - Newest First" for dz.com look, "Threaded" for the old BLiNC look, or "Hybrid" for a mix of the 2.
Mick Knutson
BLiNC Magazine
BASE Jumping Mobile Forum App: (iPhone)(Android)(Web-Mobile)
(Mobile Lite)
Alternatives Native Forum Apps: (iPhone / iPad / iTouch)(Tapatalk)(ForumRunner)
BASE Jumping Newsletter
BASE Fatality List
There are several very important user options that a registered user can change for themselves to utilize BLiNC better.
This you can change:
URL to go to in order to make these changes:
- Login & Privacy options
- Messaging & Notifications
- This includes whether you want to allow other users to be able to email you and/or PM you.
- Thread Display options.
- Date & Time Options
- Miscellaneous Options
Mick Knutson
BLiNC Magazine
BASE Jumping Mobile Forum App: (iPhone)(Android)(Web-Mobile)
(Mobile Lite)
Alternatives Native Forum Apps: (iPhone / iPad / iTouch)(Tapatalk)(ForumRunner)
BASE Jumping Newsletter
BASE Fatality List
At the bottom of threads there is a "similar threads" section that will link to other threads. This is quite a handy little feature.
A common issue with existing accounts on BLiNC, is the display is "Oldest first". This is quite annoying to me, and I am sure to everyone else.
So, here is how to fix that:
- Login to your account.
- Click on http://www.blincmagazine.com/forum/p...do=editoptions
- Scroll down to "Thread Display Options" Section.
- For the option of "Thread Display Mode", choose "Linear - Newsest First" option.
- Scroll to bottom of screen and click the "Save Changes" button.
Mick Knutson
BLiNC Magazine
BASE Jumping Mobile Forum App: (iPhone)(Android)(Web-Mobile)
(Mobile Lite)
Alternatives Native Forum Apps: (iPhone / iPad / iTouch)(Tapatalk)(ForumRunner)
BASE Jumping Newsletter
BASE Fatality List
It is possibe to change the default skin of the board to another skin.
Here is how to do this.
1. Log in.
2. Go the your User Control Panel (CP).
3. Click on 'Edit Options'.
4. Scroll all the way down to 'Miscellaneous Options'.
5. There you can change to forum Skin.
I use the 'Minimal Graphics" option.
I find that the forums load faster when I use this option and I find it more enjoyable to watch.
Downloading PMs:
Go to your PM inbox.
At the lower right, below the last message, there is a set of buttons labelled "download all PM's as:" then you get to select the format you want them in.
The same option appears in any other PM boxes, as well.