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Thread: choosing FJC & first object jump

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  1. #1

    choosing FJC & first object jump

    I will be enrolling on FJC sometime next year, quite a few courses to choose from & a few of them do the first jump from diff object types.
    Obv some of these instructors dont see it as issue, but feel perhaps that a span with decent size landing area & with as few obstacles on way down wld be preferrable as a first jump vs object you ideally need to track away from.
    Would i be safe in saying that getting used to doing a jump from a span wld be best option & then once "'comfortable" in chucking self of object i.e. nailed the exits, go for object which involves tracking?

  2. #2
    Fork And Spoon Operator ZegeunerLeben's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2003

    Re: choosing FJC & first object jump

    >>You want to 'track' huh?

  3. #3

    Re: choosing FJC & first object jump

    ....brilliant, cheers.

  4. #4
    Fork And Spoon Operator ZegeunerLeben's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2003

    Re: choosing FJC & first object jump

    Quote Originally Posted by base_bin View Post
    ....brilliant, cheers.
    >>I don't normally do this, but I think you're better 'off' doing a subterminal jump from an object with minimal strike potential, and a large landing area. You don't want to find out you can't track, or find yourself backsilding, on a terminal object, like a ciff. Good Luck. Don't Die.

  5. #5
    BLiNC Magazine Suporter
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    Jun 2009

    Re: choosing FJC & first object jump

    Hey ya going,

    At the end of the day it comes down to your own personal level of confidence and being realistic about this is quite important. I have recently began B.A.S.E jumping and personally i would suggest starting off with a number of jumps on a Span object starting with PCA exits progressing to hand held, good landing areas and favourable weather conditions probably the single biggest factor to a successful start. I would forget about tracking to start and just concerntrate on getting your exits to a point where you can go hand held comfortably. Although my 2nd jump was hand held from an antenna i did many exits from helicopters and the like prior to this if this is an option it is always good practise although exit is a little different (can't push off a chopper normally) you get a feel for it.
    I believe packing is the single biggest factor when starting, if you are confident in your pack job that is one less thing to worry about at the exit point I personally have and only eva will jump my own pack jobs. I found most Qualified packers are more than happy to teach you how to pack reserves if BASE equipment is not avaliable then the transition to BASE packing at your FJC is not a whole lot harder... Its worth noting that some crew pack alot neater than others so maybe get a few different crew to show you if its an option in particullar with BASE gear theres a few different ways people pack and understanding thier reasons also quite important.

    Overall i would try to get a good mentor in your area. I was particularly fortunate to have many jumpers in my area and a few which i know are very safe and research every factor to the smallest degree im sure you will know what qualities to look for in a good mentor as jump numbers alone does not ensure they are going to be an approriate mentor to teach you everything you need to know to ensure your survival and long term participation in the sport. I personally would stay away from seeking advice from web BASE sites as i found the information and response from many to be a complete waste of time and resources, In additon the people on sites such us this are not aware of your own experiance level or your adaptability to change and to learn? ( but if you do not have access to a good mentor it may be your only resource untill you complete your FJC?)

    As far as FJC are concerned it all depends what your looking to get out of B.A.S.E and the reason for you to be participating in the sport? Are you confident in packing or looking at learning to pack on your FJC? How are your canopy skills? Are you chasing jump numbers or the full experiance of B.A.S.E and travel?

    For myself personally i enjoy the jumping as much as i enjoy going to new locations so i had a mentor take me on my first few jumps before taking on a FJC (whilst a good mentor is essential its good to get someone else's opinion and views on things i believe?) which involved alot of traveling and a few really nice quality jumps (all hand held about 300-400ft) then headed to Kjerag in Norway for the terminal stuff they run a really good show up there and great for students they also offer packing courses if required? Great palce to sort out your tracking or at least give you an indication of how good your skills are. But obviously travelling about all costs money which you have to also consider?

    anywayz gotta go i am meant to be working but feel free to throw us a PM if i can help ya with anything as far as pointing you in the right direction as help is often limited here unfortunately :-( oh yeh and once you get out of these web sites and get around to the actual BASE sites around the world you will find most the crew to be friendly and helpfull :-P


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