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Thread: Petronas

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BLiNC Magazine, always served unfiltered
  1. #46

    RE: What a PUTZ!

    Well said babe! See you in KL. :D

  2. #47

    RE: Petronas

    As a result of reading the input on Petronas, it is apparent that it was sabotaged by the greedy and untrustworthy Chinaman.
    It is also apparent, from the writing of many respondents, that they are the typical non-cooperative type of people who could never work under or with any type of authority. They, by their obvious lack of worldly experience, absence of wisdom, poor judgement and likely lack of formal education, have not the slightest concept of strategic planning. These kind of people only live for the day.
    No doubt about it, when they become old and their jumping days are finished, they will be the ones to whom we who work hard for a living will be shelling out unemployment and social security benefits.
    They are the future ghetto dwellers. They are what Nitzsche called the "herd".
    They, not only today , screw up their own lives, but negatively influence all those with whom they come in contact. They live to cause trouble.
    The selfish, uncaring, inarticulate scum will go to Petronas at any costs, just to get to jump from one of the towers. They live in thier own little world of cognitive dissonance.
    They will have ruined it forever for everybody who wanted to seriously begin a long-lasting worldwide competition with a solid grounding.
    But, that's how these stupid and ignorant malcontents operate.
    Then after the jump, they have another toke or take another one in the arm and their euphoria goes on until they can crush another honest effort.
    That's their culture.
    A suggested course of action: Somehow, get the names of whatever scabs and extremists go out there, publish those names on this web site and blackball them forever.
    I am personally begging Skydiving Magazine not to give them any publicity. Please Sue and Mike, ignore these people completely for the protection of the future of competetive BASE jumping.


  3. #48

    RE: Petronas

    Mike who?

  4. #49

    Mike Who???

    Mike TRUFFER, the founder and publisher of SKYDIVING Magazine in 1979, past director of publications of USPA, past president of USPA... who has given BASE jumping more press coverage through RObin Heid's reporting and dozens of other stories by other people over the years than all other parachuting publications worldwide put together.

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