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Thread: Petronas

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  1. #31

    RE: Right on, Insider

    The twisting triples were from the roof of my rental car into a bucket of water. We took the water from the Snake River so as to more closely simulate a "water" landing. The "cutting edge" part would be the asphalt of the parking lot as the bucket tipped over. Only flesh wounds. Stunning video though.

  2. #32

    RE: Setting it straight

    This post degenerated so much that Nik informed me off it and I broke my personal rule of not touching a computer on the weekend if I can avoid it (strictly a weekday thing when I'm getting paid for it).

    From what I can tell the resultant bitching is due to some people being upset that they weren't invited for a slot in competition which isn't happening anyway. (As far as I know the Petronas event is no longer the ideal World Championship as proposed by Robin but a more low-key competition open to anybody who can get there).

    >With 50 jumps what are her
    >tracking skills? And her aerials?

    In my somewhat jaded opinion Karin's BASE ability well exceeds many people with almost 400 jumps. I've seen her deal with a serious offheading towards a waterfall in a speed and manor that I hope I can perform at if I am ever in the same situation. 90% of the worlds BASE jumpers would have flown into the waterfall if presented with that same situation. How you deal with bad situations in BASE is a much better indication of your skills and chance of injury rather than your ability to do "flippy dooos" and "twisty flips" from some lame bridge.

    As far as tracking skills - good luck beating her. Look at her body (oh wait, thats my job) and weight and you do the math. Aerials? Well she does have a solid gymnastics background, some of the highest natural ability I (and my dive coach) have ever seen and she does have the services of "the right BASE jumper" at her disposal.

    So get over it people. Discussing whom the "Chosen 4" would have been is pointless.

    I'm off to do something more important - like BASE jump. Somehow BASE politics seem pretty insignificant and pointless when you're standing on the edge and feeling "that moment". If some people put as much energy into their jumping as they do into their bitching, they'd be phenomenal jumpers (or at least be invited to Petronas  ha ha).

  3. #33

    Tell it like it is DW

    >How you deal with bad situations in BASE is a >much better indication of your skills and chance >of injury rather than your (Sue's?) ability to >do "flippy dooos" and "twisty flips" from some >lame bridge.

    I've been out of town for the last two days. If you think I had something to do with this thread (other than making fun of my own aerials) you're sadly mistaken. If you want to criticize the fact that I only do "flippy doos" and "twisty flips" then at least be brave enough to post my name with it.

  4. #34

    RE: finis of the petronas briefing

    im not going.
    im not bitter or a winger as im not ready but hey if it its handles properly and comes off in the future and leads to new buildings and events being held then one day I might be able to attend.

    I have read all the posts on this topic and must commend Robin for his political and civil attitude he seems to have taken even to Denis and others that he has previously "argued" with publicly.

    I have one comment to make on a statement made by robin heid lurking in a paragraph in post 5 it is :-

    >. My recommendation in this regard is that Eagle >Dancer Images be retained by the government on a >consulting basis to oversee the technical >requirements of all extreme skydiving events >presented in Malaysia, whether from the Petronas >Twin Towers, Menara KL or elsewhere.

    I agree that there should be a structure to promote and organize future events like this but going by past threads on this board and other situations that I have heard of by word of mouth I feel that it should be a cross section of people not one company which may have a conflict of interests real or perceived. with organisers of other events like forinstance the organisers of the kl tower jump.

    not wanting to drag up the whole thread again but are we base jumpers or extreme skydivers. my extreme skydiving takes place out of a plane and could be freeflying, wing suit or surfing.or on a day in a month of Sundays even relative work.

    as for the latter posts lets not let what could be serious for the future of legal high profile base events descend in to a bitch fest.


  5. #35

    RE: not so shut up

    Why do I have to say? I don't know for all these postings. Can I see witch one is in charge? I'm just somebodys BASEJumper. I don't want to see the blood. I JUST WANNA JUMP THE DAM STEEL BUILDING!

  6. #36

    RE: Petronas

    I have neverrecievedan invitation from Dan Lee like most others. So I have not been confirmed on this jump until the owner invites me. Thusfar, he has never contacted me, and has not returned my e-mails either.

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  7. #37

    RE: Come on, People!

    Right on!
    Michelle and I leave on the ferry in about 3 hours for Kjerag. We can't wait to jump with our friends.

    [font color=#9999FF]
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  8. #38

    Robin is staging the controversy

    Look at the order of the initial postings and the general message of these postings. Robin posted these. One slanderous statement followed by counterresponses that he wrote himself. Robin's pissed about the new event and is trying to create artificial controversy over the event. If you didn't get invited, INVITE YOURSELF!!! Squabbaling creates confusion. Proceed by ignoring Robin Hyde.

  9. #39

    RE: Come on, People!

    Thank you Tom and the rest for thinking for the good of the whole, you are beautiful...

    God Bless the Freaks :7



  10. #40

    Some good points, Skeptical

    Dear Skeptic:
    Tough to argue with most of your points, especially Johnny WEASEL. In fact, he not only screwed me and everyone else individually, he screwed everyone vis a vis Petronas by a whole series of misleading dishonest little scams I didn't understand until too late, but with the net result of totally and completely screwing up the whole thing. If there is ONE PERSON who is most repsonsible for Petronas turning into the clusterf**K it now is, it is Johnny Weasel. God in heaven I wish I'd talked with YOU, Miss Skeptic, about that weasel before I had anything to do with him.

    But let's cut to the big one first, though, Miss Skeptic: Choosing the team.

    Absolutely I was the judge and jury, just as Terje filled that slot in Norway, Lukas in Sweden, Ronald in Holland, Hannes in Germany, etc. And absolutely it was political, and there was a simple reason for it: TIME FACTOR.

    Just think: Without the time to even put together an event structure, there was certainly no way to put together a national championships, either here or in any other country with a lot of base jumpers.

    That's just the way it is and absolutely there are technically better jumpers and, in the case of the Weasel a whole BUNCH of morally more upstanding ones!

    But let's look at the team I chose.

    I think Karin won the OPENING accuracy event at Moab, not the judge's choice (did she win judge's choice at Perrine?)

    And yes, she is a new face, but yes also, she has 2,000 skydives and was a world-class competitive skydiver, now has sonsiderably more than 100 BASE jumps, she is a very mature, professional individual and yes, she is of Asian extraction and yes, that is important in this event (we had two Malaysians on the world record jump who technically weren't qualified in the usual sense -- one didn't even make his first BASE jump until 12 hourse before the record jump... but Dennis and I and (if you kin b'lieve it)Ed trick and Cliff Ryder trained and jumpmastered them until we were comfortable with their abilities (both were VERY experienced skydivers and especially CRW guys)

    You see, Miss Skeptic, this is one area you just are not THINKING about and that is the political component, which is VERY important in this thing.

    Very important. And Karin would be a star because she is a competent jumper who probably has twice as many PARACHUTE JUMPS as you do, PLUS she has competed in three U.S Nationals AND a World Cup, so she would be a GREAT REPRESENTATIVE of her country and her sport. Sure, there are other jumpers who might do better in certain events, but in overall terms, she is a very hard choice to beat.

    Psycho Jeb may burn sites, but the difference between Jeb and most of the yahoos who think they're such PROS is that he knows the difference between a bandit jump and an invitation load.

    Again, this goes back to politics and I don't care how many sites he burns if he knows how to act in a legal venue. Tar and feathers are readily available for any sins he may commit outside the auspices of an INVITATION jump.

    Really, Miss Skeptic, how many of the BASE studs you probably have in mind were over in KL making bandit jumps while they were invited giests of Telekom Malaysia, the city of Kuala Lumpur, and the government itself? I'd take Jeb over those bozoes any day!

    Weasel you are, of course, absolutely and utterly right about: As I said in a letter to the selected jumpers, after all the horrendous stuff Avery said about Johnny Weasel on the BASE Board last year, the only question I have for Avery is: Why were you so easy on that monkey turd??

    I did notice you did not challenge Mick's selection. Hoever, there are a whole lot of people who completely disapprove of his selection on various grounds which I won't repeat, but suffice to say, the guy is competent, he has a professional consciousness about this, and a Big Picture view, and I know he would be a great ambasador for BASE and for America.

    I will READILY ADMIT my selection process was not "fair" in the classical sense. It was reasonable (except for choosing Johnny Weasel) and each of those choices is defensible (except Johnny Weasel).

    What we in fact need Miss Skeptic, IS a national championships and, as one poster mentioned, not just for the U.S., but all the other "big" BASE countries. In those countries, I selected team leaders and gave THEM the responsibility to choose the best representatives they could think of from their countries. How they chose those people was no more "fair" than what I did, but it was defensible AND probably pretty SAFE.

    And that was the main goal this year.

    If we pulled it off THIS year, and got approval for NEXT year in a timely fashion, THEN we could ALL have held national championships and let a competition decide -- just like the Olympic trials you mentioned.

    You are absolutely right and I just wonder why you don't sign your name and tell us who you are (maybe you're one of those secret "technical directors" Dann Lee refuses to identify and who are too ashamed to I.D. themselves), because there is nothing out of line about anything

    Which brings me to Mr. Weston. He was writing the rules, but was going to be a competitor, not a technical director. He was part of the technical STAFF -- and he was one of the people who Dann Lee refused to pay for his work.

    Oh yes, and Karin being Dwain Weston's girlfriend had nothing to do with her selection. My choice of Dwain to write the rules had more to do with him being her boyfriend, as I've known Karin for several years and didn't know Dwain at all.

    Again, you are completely right, Miss Skeptic, about this process not being fair, and being arbitrary according to some standards. But in so doing, you absolutely also support my contention that there isn't enough time to do this right.

    You think the way _I_ was doing it was not fair? What do you think is happening NOW? And not only
    is what's happening NOW not fair, it's not SAFE either.

    What's happening now is not based on ability at all. It's based on ability to pay, ability to screw your base brother who started and put together the whole project, the ability to kiss as with those secret technical directors who all have absolutel and absolutely arbitrary power over anybody who shows up... it goes on and on, Miss Skeptic.

    What I put together was not perfect. I did the best I could with the circumstances I had to deal with, but at least it was fairly well controlled and methodical in approach.

    what is going on now is worse than a Bridge Day Lemmings mess -- and wait until you see what happens with stainless steel and glass behind the "competitors" instead of air.

    So we really disagree about very little, Miss Skeptic. I WOULD like to see who YOU would have chosen for the U.S. four (even if you don't tell us who you are), and since you didn't like my approach, I hope you will just as trongly write to Dann Lee and tell him what you think of his total chaos, damn-the-safety-full-yahoos-ahead approach.

    The odds that this zoo load will do incredible damge to the future of legal BASE get higher every day, Miss Skeptic, so I hope you will do you part to see it shut down.

    Thanks for your interest.

    Robin Heid

  11. #41

    Karin ain't dating the right jumper; Dwain is

    If she was dating ME, you could make that argument, silly little weasel.

    As for her skill set, ask all the other ladies what they think of her.

    As for my choice, I would absolutely be comfortable with Sue, Lisa, Denise or Brenda going but I _had_ to have at least ONE guy on the team, y'know?

    So quit hassling Karin -- who also gave generously of her time and counsel in helping me put this project together.

    And that brings up another point. Look at you cheerful people all talking trash about who's more deserving, etc, etc, and trashing this young woman who is the overall equal of all the other American women mentioned. I know every one of them, and every one of them is an extraordinary human being and a woman I am glad I know.

    Brenda, by the way WAS chosen by me to be part of the transmillennium jump and she handled her slot superlatively, and she put in hours and hours and hours of sweat blood and tears into making sure that project went off well.

    By trying to create this problem, Miss Whatever Weasel, you simply prove how much immaturity exists in our community, immaturity which means our community is NOT READY for a world championships from the headquarters of a $30 billion corporation and the national symbol of an emerging country.

    So thanks for exhibiting yourself as evidence of the correctness of my position.

    And ladies, sorry you're in the crossfire here, but I know you're tough enough to handle it because you're all tough-minded, accomplished BASE jumpers.

    Robin Heid

  12. #42

    Thanks for the confidence, but...

    Avery, c'mon son, just use your own name, wouldja?

    I appreciate your confidence in my ability to manipulate this whole thread, but if I had that much power, I would use it to shut this thing down, not create a tempest in a backwater teapot.

    If you look at the posts, it's the gentleman called "New Yorker" who actually began this process with a simple question, followed by the irrepressible Mr. Miho's attempt to be helpful.

    Once it went public, I had to correct a couple of points, and since then, it's been quite the free-for-all and actually pretty interested and, believe it or not, more restrained than I thought it might be (except for all those catty comments about the girls coming from guys who are missing a pair or trying to get laid).

    Bottom line, though, Avery, you hit the nail on the head: Invite yourself indeed!

    That attitude is PRECISELY what I knew would happen once the control of the jumper part of the event was taken over by a whuffo.

    Dann Lee did great things for BASE jumping in helping to make the transmillennium jump happen, but he is blowing it big time now, and this thread is Exhibit A for the affirmative.

    It is a shame we are still so immature as a community that a thread such as this came to be, but I do appreciate your contributions to it, even as I appreciated the technical contributions you made at Petronas.

    But you really oughta to try to do something about that megalomania-by-proxy condition from which you seem to be suffering.



  13. #43

    RE: Thanks for the confidence, but...

    Some of you folk's should be politicians and leave the jumping to the ones who actually love it. I suppose I could mail some responses to some of the bullshit above but I rather go and fall of some high object.


  14. #44

    R U guys 4 real???

    Hi all,

    I'm a NOT a BASE jumper, simply a skydiver who use to visit this site, since I'm fascinated by BASEjumping, I hope that I some day will be experienced enough to try it.

    Anyhow, I'm chocked over this so called political "discussion" you have here.
    I don't have the total picture about the Petronas and all of that, BUT what on earth has talk about "me/she/he beeing the best aerial/tracker or he/she being his or her girl/boyfriend" to do with the World Championships being or not being???
    Who can really say who is the best in ANYthing?
    And that goes outside the BASEworld as well, out in the real world, if you still are connected to it after taking part in this childish thread.
    Sure competitions are a way of finding out, but what if the "best" jumper has a bad hair day, and someone else wins?! Isn't he or she the champion then???? Get real, competitions are just for the ego and for prestige, so why put all attention to that? Aren't you guys in this for the fun????

    I thought that there weren't enough BASEjumpers in the world to have fights like this, but obviously I was wrong...

    Well, best of luck to all of you, stop this fighting please, and let this board be the informative media it used to be, not the media for trashing peoples names and skills into dirt.

    Take care!

  15. #45

    What a PUTZ!

    Never before have I heard such utter masterbatory nonsense and phony rethoric from a anyone! Robin, you sounds like a snot-nosed spoilt little bugger whose not got his way.


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