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  1. #31


    Mimi, Tim, Janita and all, I'm so sorry for your loss. Grampa Joe got a real kick out of Lee. He thought that he was a wild and crazy kid. I must admit that the few times that I met Lee that I was impressed with his self confidence. Please let me know where and when the services are. Zach

  2. #32


    I wanted to post something here earlier, but I just couldn’t seem to get the words out……was just too sad to even know where to begin. I can still barely believe and accept that Lee is gone and we’ll never see him again, in this life. What a loss for those of us left behind. Great sadness…..Just what are we gonna do without you around to lighten things up Lee?? Sure gonna miss you dude!! Nope, just won’t be quite the same without you around….

    Lee Werling, Swerling, Whirlygig….skydiver; BASE jumper; caring instructor and mentor; IPBC Champion; friend; comedian; ladies man; WILD man…..You know the guy, that psycho dude, with the purple Mohawk and eyes to match! (Hey dude, are your eyes REALLY that color, or am I just hallucinating?? LOL!) Lee – what a truly colorful character, right off the pages out of that comic book so many of you BASE jumpers stepped out of. He was always so cheerful and positive; energetic; always ready to help out with whatever; annoying at times; sometimes out of control; but never dull to be around! Everytime he saw me, he would tell me how he was the “Gravity Girls” biggest fan, so we made him an honorary member and let him hang out with us. And we shared a lot of good laughs…

    Lee was also a hero. From all these posts I’ve been reading, it’s obvious that he touched a lot of lives in a special way and made a difference, but he was an unsung Hero of a different sort too. I’m referring to an incident that happened a few years ago, that very few people, to my knowledge, know about. Those of us who did know, wanted to tell everyone just what Lee had done, but due to circumstances that could have caused him a lot of trouble, we had to keep quiet about it. But Lee’s gone now and they (the bad guys) can’t do anything to him, so we can finally tell the story of what he did for so many BASE jumpers out there……Sorry folks, but I’m going to leave you hanging with that thought…. I’m going to leave the telling of the story to Dennis, because what Lee did that day was especially meaningful to him…..

    Anyway, I just wanted to add a few of my thoughts to this thread and give my condolences to Lee’s family and many friends. Sure gonna miss ya Lee!! Fly free Brother!

    Peace, love and many blue skies........brenda

  3. #33
    BLiNC Magazine Supporter (Silver)
    Join Date
    Jan 1970


    Love and respect from Finland. R.I.P

  4. #34


    so sorry to hear what happend. You were so cool to me. Thanks for the wing suit jumps we made, and all the positive vibes you gave me, even though I was just a girl.................
    Cato ++ the Norwegian bunch (aka Sircus RedBull, thats the name Lise Aune gave us) are all sending their condolences. you were so much. you were everything at the same time. a great sky god to us all.......................

  5. #35

    Lee's parents

    Did many of you know Lee's parents? I met them at BD 2000, and it was easy to see where Lee got his sweet attitude and enthusiasm. I spoke at some length with his Mom, and there is no way she will (in her heart) blame his friends for what happened. She knew he loved what he was doing, and in fact she thought it was pretty cool, too.
    A class guy from a class family. May God bless them all. Cheers, Lee.
    Also, Dennis, we would love to hear what your lovely bride was referring to.

  6. #36


    I feel like crying but this is selebration of Lee's life so here we go...

    It was so much FUN every time i met Skypunk. A weekend of his 100th was a blast - i can still see Lee going from the handrail through the steel doing a gainer, and every Bridge Day left some unforgetable memories... jump&party, it wasn't separable ;-) We shared wild things at those Bridge Days, like hitting canopies in freefall ;-) and of course Psilly stuff... as sad as i am i want to smile when i think of Skypunk. You rule brother!



    P.S. Yesterday, right before the news came here, i was riding a spinning mal into a busy highway. Lee would love the story. But this chamber wasn't loaded - i hit the soft shoulder... now i see why. Life is such a strange game.

  7. #37


    The german friends are all shocked! Especially me. We had a very special relation although I just knew him since the month he died.
    During a training camp in Deland in mai with my 8-way-team Coolgang Lee showed me and two other team members how to base jump, right off the antenna where his live ended.
    We were both too retentioned to express our feelings for each other except the kisses on this antenna (he loved) before my first base jump. He told me I was the first girl who jumps his gear, I was very impressed. He even told me about possibilities to stay in USA....
    After returning to Germany the 11th of mai we emailed twice and we just had the courage to admitt the feelings we felt.... But he didn't answer to my last mail anymore....
    I think it was my one and only base jump although I loved the jump, but I only want to jump again with Lee. Because I trust him.
    ("It sucks we live so far apart" he wrote - yes, now it ist really too far..)

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