the next blue moon on new years eve is 2028, I took advantage of this one!
the next blue moon on new years eve is 2028, I took advantage of this one!
So we put four people off of a local freestander and it was MF-ing cold and windy. We were looking at about -12F with the wind chill.
It was windy enough that as soon as my feet left the object, it blew my handheld open mushroom around my hand causing me, not so much to throw it but to kinda waggle my hand around like crazy to make sure it cleared.
Good times. =;>
Ohhhhh so i'ts YOUR antenna now huck??? Suck it! I'll head back to cali soon.
Abbie Mashaal, BLiNC Team Member
I would take it seriously; but it's serious and ridiculous at the same time. -sl
Nah,, you can have that little radiated stick.
I'll call her a skanky Hoe... thoe.....