You got me, I'm outta there!
Virtual social systems behave very much like real social systems...the cool thing is that they evolve much faster.
Blinc now is close to 100% anarchical system, let's call it very libertarian.
You can swear all you want and tell anybody off, true freedom of speech.
The only problem with such system is that it won't generate bursts of traffic common in forums with lots of control...the bottom line is that freedom gets in the way with drama.
The only way to generate more traffic here is content because the drama here won't give you the bursts seen in highly regulated places.
No matter what, you will always get the rebel rebelling against the rebels, so just let the bests be.
Mick Knutson
BLiNC Magazine
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Cat fight!!!! LOL
Well what the hell is MFOB for?
If there are no buttons to push, then no buttons are pushed as simple as that. Lift highway speed limits and you won't see an increase in traffic speed, everybody just adjusts to the flow of traffic anyway and you will always get the outliers no matter what, nature has algorithms for the shit happens factor.
Some of us used to stir shit all the time over tom's site because 1 it is moderated by the biggest base posers of all time and 2 it's filled with idiotic rules. Make note to self, first thing to do when waking up is to break as many rules as possible until bed-time again. If no rules, then you must find other ways to spend your time, like being productive or actually bother to post something semi-intelligent.
Most of the traffic on tom's site is due to posers with 0-2 jumps thinking that they invented the sport/game and attention seekers who did not get enough attention growing up (most of them got short dicks too and don't get laid much).
Stick to your guns, you're on a wise track, just eat more pussy.
I like it here. It seems as though the sticks up asses are fewer and farther inbetween here than on