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Thread: Kjerag Incidents

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BLiNC Magazine, always served unfiltered
  1. #16


    My Daughter reads this Board.
    Please edit your posting.
    We have never heard such vulgar language from you! Shame on you!
    Sounds like you should go make a Jump!
    Or maybe it's the Old Age Syndrome.

    "The only thing we have to Fear is Fear itself".
    Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Inaugaral presidential address,March 4, 1933

  2. #17
    Staff Member
    Join Date
    Jan 1970

    RE: Leaders

    Post edited, 800% is changed to 3200%. how old is your daughter?
    take care

  3. #18

    RE: Kjerag Incidents

    No bystanders climbed up. Four rescuers arrived @ 20 minutes after the accident. They were Kim of the Stavanger BASE Association, Matt, J.J. and another fellow (was it Stein ?) whose name I don't yet have. I carried rope and another pack for these guys and I can tell you they were professional climbers as far as I could tell. They risked their lives to reach Lori's body and come back down to the highest ledge I could safely get to and confirm the obvious.

    My hat is off to you guys and we have designated the Stavanger BASE Association as recipient of any donations in Lori's memory. You will be hearing from me.

  4. #19

    RE: Leaders

    Leaders have the diginity and integrity to post their names.

    If your daughter reads this board she should accept the fact that BASE jumpers sometimes go through some gruesome shite, and most seasoned BASE jumpers have accepted the fact they may die from their sport. Tracy is only expressing his feelings after some stupid a-hole posted gibberish.

    Maybe you should put a child block for your daughter for her computer access to this site.

    JIM J

  5. #20

    RE: Kjerag Incidents

    Don't take this the wrong way Space, but the guy has a point. If I bounced I would prefer other BASE jumpers to stay away simply because it would be traumatic for them. Lori was clearly dead, so why rush up there before the professional rescuers arrive? They are trained to deal with trauma and therefore receive PTSD support and counselling. I would hugely appreciate fellow jumpers making their way to me if I had a cliff strike, especially if it was getting dark. Locating the victim early and marking with lights etc greatly speeds up the rescue and is a huge psychological boost for the victim. I have witnessed three skydiving fatalities and two cliff strikes in BASE resulting in heli rescues. No-one rushed to the guys who were clearly dead including me, although I have para medic training. We waited for the professionals. Everyone rushed to help the guys who were injured. Just my opinion and not wishing to criticise you guys for your well intentioned efforts.

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