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Thread: RESULT: fails 70:24 :-(

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BLiNC Magazine, always served unfiltered
  1. #16

    my business alone

    I could smell it coming Mr Laursen. A vote is private. Why do you think there are curtains and little bitty pieces of paper to vote with. It's nobodies goddam business how somebody else votes. To drag this out by besmirching the name of the person who graciously allowed you to use this forum for the call to vote is in unbelieveably bad taste. You can keep your old rec.base for all I care. If you were really interested all you would have to do is start one of your own at DELPHI.COM.
    Shut your pie hole and do something creative and constructive.

  2. #17


    Mr. Larson,

    I was on your side and all set to vote for your cause the next time around - until you posted everyone's vote and slammed Mick. Sometimes I do not agree with Mick and when that happens he shows me the respect to allow me to express my opinion here. He doesn't get personal. He has class. And he has my RESPECT. You sir, had my respect, but you blew it. I strongly urge you to "eat Crow" and apologise to everyone here; especially Mick. Otherwise, I suspect that rec.basejump is dust.

    Earl Redfern

  3. #18

    RE: RESULT: fails 70:24 :-(

    Usenet is the proper place for discussion board style posting. Screw rec.*, either newgrp alt.base-jumping or use the existing very low traffic alt.base-jumping.sheep.bounce.bounce.bounce. (the alt hierarchy does not require a vote.) With at least 25000 existing newsgroups, many of which are low/no traffic, I'm sure we could find somewhere to post.

    To those complaining about posting the email addresses of voters, well, that is just the way it has been done for at least the last 10 years.

    Use the proper tool for the job. Many web browsers even have an nntp client. The best thing about usenet is the wide array of choices for client software. With many of them you can easily filter out posts you aren't interested in and keep track of what you've already seen.


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