>Hello, I jump with them because they are my
>friends, >just as I jump with my friends on the MD.
>A couple of them are a bit hefty,
>but I made them hike their ass off in
>and they can `toss off`the edge as well as any.
to the worrying momma boy wankers, bodies come in all shapes and sizes....so do minds....I am what I am and I am fine too....(PS:Avery, I still gotz my arse!)...and I had fun too....so if I can trade some cosmically useless paper stuff for a ride, I am bad...okely dokely....cuz some of yous gotz funny haircuts....and stoopid color shoes....sorry I don;t share your passion to care about these petty things in life.....my worm feast will be better than yours....where's da beef?, pass da cheese, Jeff #581.....I jump for me , judge my cover, me not care