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Thread: Vented Fox safer than standard Fox for low objects?

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BLiNC Magazine, always served unfiltered
  1. #16

    RE: High versus Low

    IU guess (accoding to your nickname) you are from Czech republic, aren'y you? In this case, who is the riger? RS? JW?

  2. #17

    RE: High versus Low

    No, I’m from Australia. I received my canopy back last week. The vents came to less than $140 US INCLUDING postage and it took less than a week from posting to receiving. Velcro was also replaced at a very reasonable cost too. I inspected it & the work looks very good, but I haven’t jumped it yet, or directly compared it to one with a genuine factory modification, but I have heard good reports from others...
    I look forward to testing it, will keep a close eye on it & post if there appears problems.
    PS my father’s ancestry goes back to an area that is now the Czech Republic, but that’s just a coincidence!

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