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Thread: Fascinating BASE jumping documentary

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  1. #16
    imported_Tom Aiello

    Hey Rob?

    Do you have any idea how angry I was that you guys made me drive two and a half hours down there, so that you could ditch me, and go do the jump yourself, while I drove around looking for my good friends who surely wouldn't just ditch me?

    That was pretty much the low point of my interactions with the Mince Division. I was very, very angry that you guys did that to me. Do you really want to keep bringing it up like this?

    Can you email me with your phone number? The one I have doesn't seem to be working.

    --Tom Aiello

  2. #17
    imported_Tom Aiello



    It sounds like you have quite a bit of anger toward me. Perhaps we can discuss it somewhere other than this forum. What do you say?

    --Tom Aiello

  3. #18

    Too cool for school?

    Joke's on you. Ha ha.

    While you were here saying nasty things about other jumpers (including me, whom you've never met), I was out with my mates having fun and jumping.

    That about says it all.



  4. #19

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  5. #20

    RE: Fascinating BASE jumping documentary

    Wow the board really is back.
    Doug,lets get a few things straight because it really seems as though we've got crossed wires at this point.Let me also preface this post by saying that as far as I was concerned you were a great guy in KL.I had't met you prior to that trip but I certainly knew who you were.You never really came off as the angry vengeful type but then again I don't get on the board that often and have not, in all honesty, read most of your posts.So why don't we all just take a few deep breaths and relax.
    It sounds as though we've both had interesting lives thus far and not too dissimilar especially the part about being picked on in school.
    Contrary to popular belief I wasn't always a 6'6" 250# mixed martial arts fighter.In fact I was the kiwi equivalent of 90# weakling getting sand kicked in his face.Not one of the cool kids.Life's a bitch then then you grow.So this post isn't meant to allienate you any further or bring back bad memories from your shooldays.Nor is it an attack on your,our friend the Dr.I only knew Nik personally for a few days but I did have the pleasure of his company in the Horner Pub for several hours the evening prior and he was in rare form.He was a classic guy and if you'd been there I'm sure you'd agree with me.After all you knew him better than me.That was a tragedy unlike anything I've really experienced and for me to use it as an example of hard core may seem a little off color but in actuality I was a little taken aback by your insistance that anyone replying to the original post be hard core enough to do the hard core jumps that Tom has done.Especially when you start screaming cowards.
    There are no cowards here.We all go about our chosen sport in different ways and look at each jump differently.We're all individuals and we all have our own demons.What you may consider easy someone else maybe doing all in their power just to get off.We are all aware of Tom's track record with low jumps ,more power to him but in the same breath we're not asking you or Tom to try and outrack Schmellvagen.At the bottom end of that jump you'll be lucky if your tracking 60' above the tree tops.
    So let's leave the debate about hard core behind,it's a moot point.
    As for your observation regarding my unfortunate hangup in KL,interesting point of view.You are however correct in one thing.Ever since my discharge from the USMC I have really let myself go.I had an epiphany while reading you post and it has galvanised me into a lifestyle change that will see me as a lean ,mean, BASE jumping machine come this summer.Just say no to carbs.That's right I'll get my act together,I'll stop lying arpund watching TV and actually get out there and work off those extra pounds.Hopefully I'll get a little more glide out of my canopies in the future.It sure was a doozy though,wasn't it?You have all the right in the world to assume yhat my actions could've caused a suspension of the KL event but in my defense I'm guilty,yes guilty of making a simple mistake.I chose to try and land on the landing area as opposed to taking the roof.As I recall Tom himself made a simmilar decision in Brento a year and a half ago.Tom I really think that that incident should be considered your MD low point.The only point I was tying to make Doug was that when asked to obey the rules ,why not?I messed up pretty big and made the papers in loads of countries but I was playing by the rules.I didn't intentionally go out there and try get myself hung up on that building.But ####e happens.Maybe we should also flame Doug Mickle while we're at it.Iiro too for landing on his head in the stage.Respect mate ,that's all.And as for where I got my info regarding your nocturnal exploits ,how about from the horses mouth?
    As for Slim thanking you for the way you conducted yourself,I'm sure he did.At the end of the comp he was as happy as a pig in s h i t.You know the stats.But had you asked him point blank if you could conduct your little midnight raids around KL what do you think his reply would've been?I'm glad for all of us there that Mine and Doug M's incidents were the only ones during the comp,And please pass along my best wishes to Ray Losli.
    As for your post Tom regarding my anger towards you.You've got it all wrong.I'm angry at alot of things but with you it's just dissapointment.
    You know very well that we didn't hose you on purpose that night.I had to work the next day and time was of the essence.The thing that dissapoints me is what has happened to a certain object that didn't get jumped that much until every man and his dog who wanted access suddenly got it.That jump used to be a hard work jump.Not hard core.
    Innitially your intentions were admirable but once the access was broad cast it got silly.Vehicles parked in the field behind 3 hay bales,packing tarps,radios,peopole going out for pizza,snapper heads jumping their Javelins ,upwards of 15 people just milling around,coolers filled with Bacardi breezers you name it.It turned into Wally World.We had no intention of letting it get that way but it did.Hindsight is always 20 20 and had you known how it would be I'm sure things would've been different.As for calling you, you have my number also Tom.
    I may not be the most articulate or eloquent writer on the Board but I don't have the experience with writing as I'm sure you got at Law School.
    So lets, at this point ,just let sleeping dogs lie.This is my version of the time honored olive branch.Kudos to the men and women who put Tom back together and aided in his rehab.It really was a good show and highlights some of the advances that aid in our recovery when we get banged up.Tom you are lucky to be able to continue what you love to do byt mate if you've seen the show then you know you don't have anything on the Siberian Forrest ranger who had a bear eat half of his face off.
    That's all boys and girls.Go hard and have fun.

  6. #21

    RE: Fascinating BASE jumping documentary

    Nice work MD #1! To the point and articulate! NZ must have some good public shools.

    As for the tower in question...I want to show some people how to do it properly as for I'm all about doing things the right way so we can keep jumping and having the time of our lives... my past track record may not have been stellar to say the least, but things have changed and the way I approach objects - especially the not so leagal kind - are completely different since I was a "chomping at the bit" baby BASEr.

    So to those who have the access - and you know who I'm talking about - give an MD brother a chance and help to welcome our new baby BASErs the right way (and not breed any more snapperheads).
    - Ok, maybe we should make 'em climb the first one...


  7. #22

    RE: Fascinating BASE jumping documentary

    Personally, I'm scarred forever having seen an x-ray of Tom's rectum on TV. I really do feel like jumping off of something now.

    "To the extreme I rock the mike like a vandal
    light up the stage and wax a chump like a candle"

  8. #23

    Sleeping Dogs?

    Well spoken, Matt. It takes a bit to rile me up, but when someone trashes one of my mates in a way that I don't feel is fair then I get my hackles up for sure. You can piss on me, but don't piss on my mates!

    As to the legal event, I stand by my record there and I believe that speaks for itself. I'd just as soon not put Slim betwixt a rock and a hard spot, so I'll just leave things stand. Slim's a mate of mine as well, and if you think I'd do something to put him in a tought spot without talking it out with him one way or another, you don't know me very well.

    The event was a smashing success, the injuries sustained are (from what I know) healing well and not likely to cause long-term problems. The hosts were happy, everyone wins. If I embarassed the event in any way, I suspect it was due to my absolute lack of fashion sense.



  9. #24

    RE: Repeat

    >"Anyone who wants to talk smack about Tom's jumping is
    >welcome to, so long as they do one thing: repeat the jumps Tom
    >has done (at least the hardcore ones)."
    >I think what you meant to say was "repeat the jumps Tom
    >CLAIMS to have done" right?
    >Thats what I thought.

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