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Thread: Switzerland: A BASE Jumper (Robert Hinden) died Saturday from a cliff stike in central Switzerland.

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BLiNC Magazine, always served unfiltered
  1. #16

    RE: Switzerland: A BASE Jumper (Robert Hinden) died Saturday from a cliff stike in central Switzerland.

    Now the Angels at Engelberg have taken both Lukas Knutsson (Cold Steel himself) and Robert Hinden.

    My deepest condolences goes to Roberts family and all his friends.

    Sabine Knutsson
    (wife of Lukas "cold steel" Knutsson)

  2. #17

    RE: Switzerland: A BASE Jumper (Robert Hinden) died Saturday from a cliff stike in central Switzerland.

    Our hearts go out to you and the rest of your family, Sabine. Lukas was a prince of a man, and the world is a little less bright place with his passing.


    Douglas B. Spink

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