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Thread: Emergency parachutes

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BLiNC Magazine, always served unfiltered
  1. #16

    RE: Emergency parachutes

    So it was pure coincidence that your emergency parachutes came out the week after September 11?

    And like someone else said - what would prevent the Gen Y mailroom guy from stealing a parachute and jumping a building? Maybe you'll say they should be locked up. Yeah that will work in a panic.

    Just admit you're an ambulance chaser. A starving opportunist with no conscience. Why don't you do something worthy like give a percentage of the proceeds to the victims of the tragedy? Cause if you'd only finished your high tech research one week earlier, maybe some of those kids wouldn't be orphans. Shoot!! Just missed it by a week.

  2. #17

    see though the bull*

    Rather than offer some rational for your involvement or contribute to the discussion, you post an unimaginative and sleazy plug for your product.

    We can all see through the humanitarian smoke screen. You and ALL the others are simply attemting to capture a frightened and potentially large market.

    Nothing wrong with making a buck, but why don't you resell some surplus gas masks or anti-box cutter vest rather than casting a bad light on us.


  3. #18

    RE: out by x 1000

    >don't want to be pedantic Jason but your
    >calculation is out by a factor of 1000 x.
    >One calorie= 4.184 joules. It gets messy when
    >some texts use "c" for calorie and others "C."
    >By international convention the larger C usually
    >means kilocalories (1000 x c), and c= heat
    >required to heat 1mL of water from 14.5 to 15.5
    >degrees Celsius.

    I'm aware of that. The recommended adult diet is 2000-2500 Calories (about 9000 kJ). Check:

    But that's really not the point. The point is throwing numbers like five trillion joules around, or comparing the energy of an explosive release to that of a controlled burn, is ultimately far less meaningful than dicussing the fact that the fire would undoubtedly have produced enormous thermals and (perhaps, just maybe) enough heat to damage nylon.

    The question was never about how much heat energy, exactly or approximately, was released in the fire. The "five trillion joules" post is a red herring. I thought that should be made clear.

    :D Your mileage may vary.

  4. #19

    RE: out by x 1000

    A little checking shows that the original post is not only sensationalistic, but grossly inaccurate.

    1 kT is 4.18 x 10^12 joules. The Tomahawk is can be configured for anything between 1 (conventional) and 250 (nuclear) kT. Even assuming an especially puny Tomahawk, the numbers quoted for the total burn don't amount to more than one missile. I have no idea where 2,000 came from.

    Perhaps somebody can set me straight on this?

  5. #20

    RE: Emergency parachutes

    Oh reeeeeelax will you? Take a chill pill. No need to make unnecesary waves and slam him, them or any other manufacturer for addressing a need, perceived or real.

    If we went back in history I'm sure we'd find many interesting facts about the timing and release of other emergency equipment out in the market today some of which have undoubtedly become staple safety items in our society.

    So what if they make a few bucks? soem lives could be saved in the process and all of the other if/ands/buts will be addressed with time because that is the natural process of anything new. Opportunistic? maybe a little, but that's business baby, and anyway it is dangerous to take selective moral high grounds in the glass houses that we all live in.

    The Basic Research website has testing information and seems to be making an effort at being somewhat responsible with the product.

  6. #21

    Aw #####...

    I shiver at the thought of wasting more bandwidth on this, but wanted to take the time to point out my own error. The Tomahawk is configurable as low as 0.5 ton, and therefore 2000 of 'em to 1 kT is entirely reasonable. Red herring, yes. Inaccurate, no.

  7. #22

    RE: Emergency parachutes

    Wrong company dude!

    Executive Chute corporation, which are plane manufacturers, not parachutists at all, is the company that came out with a chute 1 week after the incident.

    BES and Brian Choppin, who you just replied to, came out with a system based on an existing technology, from his vast "Parachuting" experience, about 5-6 weeks after the incident.

  8. #23

    RE: Emergency parachutes

    Executivechute came up with its concept and design several months BEFORE September 11 -- it's just that nobody was interested -- especially all the assshole reporters who are dissing parachuting-based solutions...

  9. #24

    RE: Emergency parachutes

    da vinci and veranzio had the concept long before that whilst on vacation in paraguay.

  10. #25
    Tom B

    RE: Emergency parachutes

    Actually - I'd much rather jump my Fox / Reactor / Prism / Vertex / etc. ;)

    :P ;-) :P ;-)

  11. #26

    RE: Emergency parachutes

    I have now added a fire extinguisher, a gas mask with oxygen supply, and a bomb blanket to my list of things I always travel with, my base rig and a condom.

    Perhaps all of these devices could be built into one system. Imagine the profite potential offered by the Executive Contingency System.

    My credit card is standing by.

  12. #27

    RE: Learn to THINK, kiddies

    Who is Tom B .....You my son bow down hold your head low And Show the World Champ some God dam respect!!!!

    OK I can clear up the most important point raised in this Thread. No Australian Drinks or has ever drank Fosters .That is the Sh!t we export to you Smackys .

    Now I cant spell for sh!t and my grammar su(ks so sorry if you find this hard to read but I type the same as I talk fast and allover the place..

    Years of CIA Imported Smack abuse...

    About the other thing .If you can save a life good but it would be a shame if down the line or in the not to distant future .A building will catch fire every body will rush for there lifesaver chutes and jump 75% will be killed .But I hear you Mr THINK give me a second...
    the another 20% Wheelchair bound of badly maimed and the 5% walk away with little injurys..

    All good i hear you say MR Think 25% saved Until the Fire chiefs and the police and the local government say that the fire was put under control and everybody would have got out alive some smoke inhalation aside if they had not used the lifesaver chutes ,so all the family and friends will be looking for some one to blame and sue as you Yanks sue each other for everything,so you could see a class action taking out against the poor company who happened to supply that company.

    And the people behind it ,that were and still are jumpers that made base gear to make the sport safe and save so many base jumpers lives will be taken to the cleaners and base jumpers will also be looked upon and bad people who should have prevented this from happening Sorry if I seam cold hearted .But I am looking at this as a base jumper .Most of the people never give us a chance to enjoy out sport All we want to do is have fun and jump ..

    Well a few Seppo's and a tall Ozzie and a half yank/Ozzie like to win comps,but some thing like this could have big effects on your legal sites and the sites around the world..

    Maybe I am thinking too much my brain (what is left of it hurts)

    so if you can make seance of this ranting raving smack addicted feral You can see that there is a bad side to this for all .I hope that all that companies and jumpers that put there names to it protect they companies and them selves.

    I must go the last train to Cabbramatta is here soon I am getting the shakes....

    I have attached a photo so you can see the dumb cant spell smackdaddy ..

    bsbd feral

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