Hi Tom. I have 36 jumps on a Troll and 300+ on a Mojo. I know that some may say that 36 jumps is not enough to evaluate a canopy, but it was enough for me. The canopies were comparably sized.

Out of the 36 jumps, 7 were mesh slider-up (3 from the Perrine and 4 from an 800ft antenna) and 29 were slider-down (full-range of delays).

The 3 slider-up deployments at the Perrine were downright scary. The parachute seemed to snivel and what scared me even more is the asymetrical nature of the snivel. 3 jumps was enough for me -- no more. The 4 jumps from the 800ft antenna was done before the trip to the Perrine and I my delay was 4.5 to 5 seconds. The openings weren't the best, but nothing unreasonable. However, it was very dark and the winds were pretty stiff at opening altitude so it makes it harder to judge.

The slider down deployments were ok +/-. The troll didn't seem to pressurize as well as my Mojo and I found no improvement in the flight characteristics. I don't have anything negative to say about the canopies flight, but nothing stands out either.

At any rate, theopenings were enough to make me sell it to the next willing buyer. I have not heard anything back from him on the canopy, but I will check into it and post any news that I find.