Nice response Carrie. Oh, and thank you too for being such a cool chick, even if you did have that whole Belleville episode in your life. Hope you and Hank can make it to NC to see us soon!
Nice response Carrie. Oh, and thank you too for being such a cool chick, even if you did have that whole Belleville episode in your life. Hope you and Hank can make it to NC to see us soon!
How many of you out there have faced a chit load of hassle from your girlfriends, wives, boyfriends (doubt it, but we have to be all inclusive don't we).
Hey man, ease up on the female BASE jumper end of things. BASE jumping is much more acceptable for a male than a female. I am not even a hard core BASE chick and I can find very few male non jumpers that are not completely threatened by my pass time. This sort of macho sport is much more acceptable when it is a male participating. Relationships with non jumpers do not work because the men are threatened by the fact that their girlfriend is more of a "man" than they are. Not to mention going on BASE trips with only men, and spending nights together in a motel somewhere. How many men are willing to put up with that? And of course relationships with other BASE jumpers don't work either because the two involved are too similiar in all the wrong ways. Stubborn, selfish and controlling. Not that I think these are bad qualities ;-)
So basically the bottom line is, you must be true to yourself and to never live a lie. You are what you are. If you are an adrenaline junkie than live that.There are always compromises to be made in any worthwhile relationship, but you can never deny your basic personality. What a crime against yourself and your partner.
So treat yourself and everyone else with respect, be true to yourself. And if the price to pay for freedom is loneliness, then so be it.
Well said.
"If the price to pay for freedom is loneliness, then so be it."
Sad. Beautiful. True.
Thank you.
--Tom Aiello
Lighten up everyone. Base jumper... non base jumper...male...female...It does not matter! It is plain and simple. Are you ready? If two people are right for each other then things work out...PERIOD. If the respect for each other as a person and the willingness for things to work is not there then you shouldn't be together anyway. You just move on. If anyone truly believes that a person has to give up their freedom for a relationship, they have not found love or any thing close to it (no offense, Tom). Love is when you WANT to go out of your way to make someone else happy WITHOUT losing any happiness of your own. There are many successful jumper/non-jumper and Jumper/jumper relationships every where. Relationships are about who the individuals are...NOT what they do. Have patience, good luck, and remember: All good things in all good time!
Thank You.
ps. It is so cute to see you BASE jumpers have mushy emotions. Don't worry...I won't tell.
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jun-27-01 AT 07:33 AM (PST)[/font][p]Now THAT'S more like it. I know it's all heroic and everything to martyr yourself by saying things like, "And if the price to pay for freedom is loneliness, then so be it." Maybe we like to look at life in dichotomies like this because it gives it a more dramatic feel. I don't know. But I think reality isn't that dramatic. It's made up of a lot of grays and not much black and white.
Okay, it's not as heroic. They'll never make a television show out of it. Do we really need to be heroes?
With a choice between Freedom and Companionship, I choose Freedom.
Obviously, given a wider choice, I'll take both (and even Love, if it's on offer).
But, if that's the choice, I know what I'll choose.
Anyway, I was mostly just admiring M's turn of phrase...
--Tom Aiello
I Love You , Tom!
Thanks to all the guys and girls who put in their two cents. I know it's a bit of a funny thread but it is an issue that really pisses me off and from the response it seems like us hard BASE jumpers have given it plenty of thought.
I guess I took a little of each on board in my conclusion.
In true risk takers style I'm going to go for it, as I always was anyway. I've always said no regrets.
I am not willing to be an old man in the bar on my own explaining to the young guy at the bar that once upon a time I had a girl but I was too afraid to commit so I took the easy choice and now I don't know if it was the right thing. I will marry the girl I do love and heck if she kicks me out after the 100th row over BASE then so be it, but at least I will have given it my best. The crux to getting married to someone who passionately hates you throwing yourself off cliffs and the like is to make it very clear from the outset that that is what you are like and that you're not going to change that way you've always being true to yourself and her.
Carrie - thanks for the female perspective.
The rest of you I'm glad I've exposed you all as pussies ;-)
I think that shopping is the most important. The boy in the Alchemist was on a hurried way to see the merchants daughter and found Fatima in the desert by accident. Fatima is what we are all looking for. People are born that way. I too am in the verge of a collapse because of this. I am looking for the treasure near the pyramids and don't think that mine is the Fatima.