>post your email address and info will
>be sent to you.
Thank you.
>post your email address and info will
>be sent to you.
Thank you.
10 points rOBIN and who said seppo's didn't have a sense of humor me
and to add on that it is where Aussies store there #####.
bsbd feral
Just think, feral, one of these days Aussies may figure out how to make (and use)a sewer system and then you won't need seppos any more and you'll have to start calling us Sewies...
Oh we have rOBIN we just send the sh*t straight out to Bondi beach because only rick bondi and blow-in's from overseas ever go there,but we still use septic tanks for our really smelly sh#ts.
bsbd feral
It's getting deep now! :)
Do you have a website for information on the Petronas jump?
From what I heard and remember while in Malaysia, there were approximately 25 Americans out of the 50+ jumpers at KL Tower.
Jason Bell
So that would be you and Dennis?
see messages 6 and 7
Can you send me that info as well please.
rOBIN post your original trans millennium invite list as i would like to see it if you dont want anyone else to see it email it to me at feralshard@netscape.net .
bsBD feral