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Thread: Longest delay ever and most jumps??????

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BLiNC Magazine, always served unfiltered
  1. #16


    Muscat is walking just fine. He could be the first person to get BASE strike #1. I just hope I can keep him in frame when he does.

  2. #17


    Who's EB?

  3. #18

    Longest Drag Queen Jump

    69 seconds....however this did include being chased by the local authorities and returning to normal BASE attire.....

  4. #19
    Tom B

    RE: A bunch of crap!!!!!!

    Zoo (French too) also hit 1000 jumps a number of years ago. Now there is a man that new jumpers could look up to and learn from!!!!

    As far as I know Zoo is just behind Slim in total. EB on the other hand is a quiet achiever. He was doing aerials before the modern day aerial jumpers got out of their nappies. Who knows what he has done.

    Regarding what to count as a different jump - I think that the distance between exit points should not be a factor, it should be the features of the object that count. For example, if you had a wall 100km long and it was the same height with the same landing area and the same object features, it is one site. But if you have say, an underhung waterfall (with associated turbulence) and a water landing about 50m from an overhung wall with a earth landing (on the same cliff line), you have done a different site.

    But as Yuri says, who gives a #$%^#.
    Just jump and enjoy it.

    Stay Safe
    Good Luck
    Have Fun

  5. #20
    Tom B

    Who's EB?

    He's another Frenchman. Many of the sites the BASE tourists are jumping around Europe now were first jumped by him + Zoo etc!!!

  6. #21

    Current status - really important stuff!

    OK So here's where we're at now:

    1. Most jumps - Slim with 1,253??? or the two French dudes (Hmmmm.....could this Zoo and this EB possibly be the same two French dudes that Dwain speaks of???)

    2. Most Objects - 250 maybe. Some guy Dwain has heard of. (This is a wierd one so take it however you want.)

    3. Lowest base jump - Dwain 60 ft. Into knee deep water. (I think Dwain, because its you we don't need a second opinion on that one. We will believe you you sick fuk!)

    4. Longest delay - Around 1:00 off Troll wall. Someone Yuri heard about. (Probably did it himself actually!)

    5. Longest delay without wing suit - 34.5 seconds off Troll Wall. Anyone want to claim this one? C'mon you secretive fuks! Spill the beans!

    6. Most building jumps - Around 300 by L.

    7. First person to get 1000 jumps - E.B. the French guy. This was seconded so good enough for here.
    First American - Earl Redfern. Was he also second overall?

    8. Most bored ass wipe to spent too much time farting around on the base board in the last 2 days - me.

  7. #22

    RE: Yuri Johnson is right!

    Hey Yuri!
    I never really expected to agree with you on anything, but I have to commend you on your perspective on this one. BASE jumping should be solely about the rush for the participants, not about who can claim all these records. You're only as good as your current jump, no matter who you are or how well-known you may be. There is no glory in being an egomaniac.

  8. #23

    RE: Yuri Johnson is right!

    I know we do this just for fun, but I've always wondered who's the female with the most base jumps and what female has the lowest base number.
    just curious

  9. #24

    new question?

    Huckin Idiot,
    How about adding this one.

    Highest over flat land with no rig?
    >>I'll claim 30 ft.

    I agree with Dwain that the canopy has to PREVENT you from injury for it to count as a BASE jump.
    So, is it technically a BASE jump if the canopy is inflated/inflating as you are jumping, as this seems to be the only way to get under 50 ft?

  10. #25

    Female BASE info

    the lowest female base number is Jean Boenish, number 3, after Phil Smith (1) and Phil Mayfield (2), and ahead of her husband Carl (4).

    the highest base jump total by a woman is 870 and counting by Marta Empinotti, who is not only the most experienced woman base jumper in the world but, as the above posts show, one of the most experienced base jumpers, period.



  11. #26

    Most Free Fall Time?

    How about the most total freefall time?

    It might be considered a rough indicator of most quality fun time.

    Yuri, can you check your log book and let us know what the current record is?

  12. #27

    RE: Female BASE info

    Yea, you're probably right and everything but I don't know her so I think Donna Reed is the coolest, most bad-ass base chick in the world. I saw her stick a sweet rodeo 7 to switch at bridge day this year. It was sweet! All that old school gymnastics/diver style aerials are so played out! Oh...OK...Here's one: Who would win in a fight, Marta or Donna?

  13. #28

    RE: Female BASE info

    No contest.

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