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Thread: RE: climbing chain link fence

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BLiNC Magazine, always served unfiltered
  1. #16

    RE: climbing chain link fence

    What? you losers actually still climb? Haven't ya'll ever heard of bolt-cutters.
    c-ya at the top if you ever get over the fence

  2. #17

    RE: climbing chain link fence

    Hey...whos the loser?a real pro would have picked the locks and driven in.

  3. #18

    RE: climbing chain link fence

    Yes reggie or master keys would be good they are out there find who has them and get a copy . It helps having a locksmith as a freind because some are numbered i have said to much .

    bsbd feral

  4. #19

    RE: climbing chain link fence

    Locksmith, Climbing fences, Going to jail???
    What's with all of this, let's get back to launching cats and other small animals from Bobby's catapult system! It's a lot less dangerous, and more fun as well.

  5. #20

    RE: climbing chain link fence

    i'm willing to swap my girls catapulting ##### for a set of un used smokescreen underpants (i know i'm lowering the tone of decent conversation but someone had to do it )

  6. #21

    RE: climbing chain link fence

    Why climb fences when there are objects without them?
    I have my eye on a really cool freestander in Paris. It's huge! No fence! It's even got an elevator! Anyone want to jion me?

  7. #22

    RE: climbing chain link fence

    Hey troll i am i, Paris next weekend, drop me line dude

    c ya

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