I look forward to
checking out the video clips.
I never said anything about
it not happening.
chris judice, Base 409
I look forward to
checking out the video clips.
I never said anything about
it not happening.
chris judice, Base 409
Mr. Anonymous:
Parachutist is a magazine. They use PHOTOGRAPHS. I shoot VIDEO. There's a difference.
My comments were directed toward BASE jumping videography and the use of ankle-mounted cameras. Perhaps you know of a BASE video that preceded mine that used ankle-cams? Perhaps not. I could be wrong, but I haven't seen any.
Calm down basehater, you're starting to reply to your own posts! The picture was merely showing a cool camera angle!
jason bell
base 428
I'm 428basehater2!! Believe it or not, there is more than one 428basehater. Perhaps many!
Anyway, the concept of foot/ankle cams in freefall was discovered many years ago, and you should not take credit for being so innovative.
Gee, I must be a genius, therefore i am. right?
hi 428basehater2 this is 428basehater do you know anyone in the CIA ho could maime 428 base mr jason bell piece of sh@t bsBD 428basehater
hey ping head ever herd of sarcasm fu@k wit,another seppo who takes life to full on LOV DW&TBLOVERS@HOMO.SEXUAL.COM.DB
Curious: There are alot of people now doing gainers, but is anyone actually coming close to the standards and limits to what was actually happening 8 years ago?
Has the flippy doo shit advanced with the increase in numbers of people doing it? or has it gone backwards?
Today I had the privilege of filming (in freefall) the worlds leading aerobatics jumper, Dwain Weston, do a double gainer ( double reverse somersault) from a 186 foot object.
It was precision stuff. Any mistakes by either of us would have meant certain death. There was no margin for error.
Why would Dwain attempt something like that?
Dwain has successfully completed over 250 aerobatic BASE jumps and has been progressing towards full springboard diving routines in BASE jumping. He has been undertaking intensive springboard diving coaching for quite some time and has a history of gymnastics as well. The double gainer was a culmination of that diving training, a number of single and multiple gainer attempts from progressively lower objects, detailed study of video of all his aerobatic jumps (to determine altitude consumption when performing manouvres and during deployment), special packing / equipment techniques to facilitate rapid deployment (including use of a 52 inch p/c), use of a sufficiently weighted canopy that takes minimal force to extract, etc.
Prior to attempting this jump, Dwain developed 100% consistancy in performing double gainers from higher objects and the springboard. The message here is don't go attempt everything that comes into your head without proper preparation and 100% likelihood that you can perform in the BASE environment. Remember that 9 out of ten gainers off the springboard will translate to a death every 10th jump. Nothing less than 100% is acceptable.
* 'The BASE Board' Team Member
* BLiNC Magazine Staff
* *** The BASE Board (Mobile) *** "BLiNC Magazine Mobile App for iPhone, Droid, and Blackberry
DW and Slim used to pop gainers all the time at the Pinee in WV (about 240')...nowadays you rarely see people going hand-held from the same bridge...and it's not that the bridge got any shorter or the ground any higher.
I'm glad you're bringing some good threads up again.
I see there are a couple of threads recently with subjects about freefalling this sort of height. Since there are more people jumping, more people freefalling this height, more people doing flippy doo, I thought maybe that there would be an advance on this sort of jumping.... but apart from a couple of people I know, I am not really sure that jumping limits have progressed as much in this area. Limits seem to have progressed with tracking and big wall stuff in a major way, but low stuff and flippy doo shit has not...... or am I wrong?????
Note: I am not in any way questioning people and their methods of jumping
* 'The BASE Board' Team Member
* BLiNC Magazine Staff
* *** The BASE Board (Mobile) *** "BLiNC Magazine Mobile App for iPhone, Droid, and Blackberry
Prior to attempting this jump, Dwain developed 100% consistancy in performing double gainers from higher objects and the springboard. The message here is don't go attempt everything that comes into your head without proper preparation and 100% likelihood that you can perform in the BASE environment. Remember that 9 out of ten gainers off the springboard will translate to a death every 10th jump. Nothing less than 100% is acceptable.
A lot of people should read this because I don't think some people are aware of the risk they're taking. It seems like after a magic # of base jumps people expect to magically develop aerial skills. I'm really not sure how that happens or why most seem to think theres a fluid growth from one skill to the other. Its like having no ski experience whatsoever but after 200 base jumps you expect to be able to ski-base. It's fucking odd.
Abbie Mashaal, BLiNC Team Member
I would take it seriously; but it's serious and ridiculous at the same time. -sl
BASE is as easy as it gets and doing aerials is not hard either. I agree that jump number doesn't mean anything when it comes to doing aerials because it's about 90% confidence and 10% skills. Ask Tom A., with his 600 something jumps to pop a triple, hack just a double off the stupid bridge. At the same token I taught someone with 20 jumps to pop singles and doubles, over the phone nonetheless, and it worked just fine.
Think about it, If you can do a back flip on the ground, it means that if you pop a gainer the same way, you will pitch BEFORE you pass the exit point...so if you can go stowed you can pop a gainer, or two...however the mind-game and the confidence needed to pull it off some low shit is not that easy.
* 'The BASE Board' Team Member
* BLiNC Magazine Staff
* *** The BASE Board (Mobile) *** "BLiNC Magazine Mobile App for iPhone, Droid, and Blackberry
I agree 100%. But I can't pop a backflip on the ground!So there's no pre-existing skill to incorporate into BASE for me.
Shit, there's not much pre-existing skill for me in BASE either!
And you're right confidence is a big factor but the ability still needs to be there. Richard Heaton was pretty confident he could walk out of a canyon 500 feet from a shopping mall.
Abbie Mashaal, BLiNC Team Member
I would take it seriously; but it's serious and ridiculous at the same time. -sl
There is no reason why you cannot learn how to do a back-flip on the ground...it's just you have no interest in it. But trust me when I tell you that aerials are easy...easier than flying a canopy the right way anyway.But I can't pop a backflip on the ground!
And yes Mac, even fat Americans can pop gainers at 20 jumps! And no I'm not a fat American, I'm a good looking, super trimmed, extra gay dutch motherfucker!