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Thread: Rio hype is Nauseating

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BLiNC Magazine, always served unfiltered
  1. #16

    Now apply some _perspective_

    Ask yourself:

    1. How many news stories and water cooler tales of Mr. Baumgartner's feat start with "Did you hear about the crime committed by that disrepectful hooligan?"

    2. How many of those news stories and water cooler stories start off with "Did you hear about that guy who jumped off the Jesus statue in Rio with a parachute!!!?"

  2. #17


    History repeats itself. The BASE community is beginning to remind me of a bunch of chicks following the mother hen around and squeaking. They grow up and crow and squawk for a while. At the same time the next group of little chicks hatch and the cycle repeats itself unto infinity. The barnyard remains the same and no one really notices the squeaking chickens any more than they ever have because nothing has changed. Ask John Vincent about Atlanta and about this observation some day.


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