I know Nat Prk's are illegal, but does anyone know how Nat Mon's are viewed?? National Forests?? and BLM is just the Bomb! ;o)
I know Nat Prk's are illegal, but does anyone know how Nat Mon's are viewed?? National Forests?? and BLM is just the Bomb! ;o)
Mick Knutson
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most national forest land is good to go. I have been approached by rangers while speed flying on national forest land and they told me I was good to go and did not need to worry about hiding it.
Disclaimer: As always, YMMV.
I was busted in a Natl. Monument, they are no joke. Had to go to Federal court, appear b4 a Federal judge, would have been prosecuted similar to being busted in Yosimite if I didnt hire a lawyer. Same rules, laws, same fuckin' asshole-pig rangers, same everything. Only thing that separates them from NP is the amt. of annual Federal funding......NPs get more, thats it. So just watch your ass and take it as if you were in a NP.
Also, FYI....Natl. Recreation Areas also fall under all the same fed. laws so watch your ass there too. OR just say fuck it and buy a ticket to Norway or Swiss.
National Forest is good to go; it is not part of NPS. Unless there is something specifically relating to a Wilderness Area or some type of special animal habitat, they have no laws in place to harass us with.
Thanks for the Replies
J.V. jumped the St Louis Arch which is a national monument... he received 6 months in jail.
I jumped a national monument and got away clean so to speak... well I did get shit on by a bird getting to the site but that is good luck right?
BTW, National Parks are not illegal to jump.
Illegal- adj. Forbidden by law. Blacks Law 9th ed.
BASE jumping in most cases is not forbidden by law... it might be classified as inappropriate without a permit but it is hardly illegal/forbidden.
Last edited by base570; December 14th, 2010 at 02:26 AM. Reason: double post